
What can I use for decoy weights?

What can I use for decoy weights?

Egg weights work good… You can also take the long wrap around lead weights, cut em in half, drill a hole on it and turn 1 weight into 2….. Not a fan of leaving decoys out though…

What weight should I use for duck decoys?

8oz minimum for duck decoys on 25 foot cords or they float downriver. Most of them are 12oz weights (concrete in cups). Goose decoys need 1.5lb weights or they float down river.

How long should decoy lines be?

Line length for puddle-duck decoys should be 4 to 6 feet. For diver decoys in deep water, use 8 to 20-foot lines. Be sure to secure some lines at the head keel holes in some decoys (using a loop knot, or heavy-duty swivel), while securing others at the tail.

How big is a decoy anchor sinker hook?

6oz Mushroom Decoy Weight Sinker. Free Shipping Texas Style Duck Decoy Anchor Weight Rig Lines 48″ 6OZ. Bank Sinker 12 J HOOK 8 OZ. DUCK, GOOSE DECOY ANCHOR WEIGHTS, Quacker Equipment

How big are the weights on a decoy?

24 Duck / Goose Decoy J Keel Hook Weights 8 oz – Free Shipping!!! H.S. WATERFOWL LEAD BAR DECOY WEIGHTS LOT OF 8. One Dozen 6oz. Duck Hunting Keel Hook Grabber J-Style Decoy Anchor Weights Texas Style Duck Decoy Anchor Weight Rig Lines 72″ 6OZ. Bank Sinker 6oz Mushroom Decoy Weight Sinker.

How big is a cast iron duck decoy?

Texas Style Duck Decoy Anchor Weight Rig Lines 48″ – 4oz. Victor Cast Iron Turtle Decoy Weight 14 1/2 Oz. 36”-3oz Texas Decoy Rigs. Duck. Goose. Weights. Free Shipping 6oz Mushroom Decoy Weight Sinker. Free Shipping 36”-3oz Texas Decoy Rigs. Duck. Goose. Weights. Free Shipping

Is there a friction driven decoy anchor system?

Introducing the only FRICTION driven decoy anchor system that allows you to control and set your desired depth… It is definitely… “FOR SERIOUS HUNTERS THAT NEED A PAIR”. What are DUK NUTZ DECOY ANCHORS?