
What can I say instead of previously discussed?

What can I say instead of previously discussed?

In the not so distant past, I told you … I’ll reiterate my previous comments.

How do you say previously mentioned?

previously mentioned

  1. aforementioned.
  2. already stated.
  3. here.
  4. that.
  5. the indicated.
  6. the present.

What does previously mentioned mean?

You already know that to mention something is to bring it up, so if you consider that afore sounds a little like before, you’ll know that aforementioned is simply something that’s been said previously.

What are two synonyms for previously?

synonyms for previously

  • already.
  • formerly.
  • heretofore.
  • once.
  • then.
  • ahead.
  • ante.
  • back.

What can I say instead of in other words?

What is another word for in other words?

that is to say i.e
to wit id est
namely scilicet
videlicet to put it another way
specifically expressly

What is another way to say as mentioned?

What is another word for as mentioned by?

as stated by accordant with
as per as reported by
as said by based on
in accordance with in conformity with
in keeping with in line with

Is it rude to say as mentioned?

“As I mentioned in my previous email” is a way to reference the content of an earlier message. It’s okay to use this phrase if you are providing more details about something that you mentioned before. If someone asks for help recalling a simple detail, adding “as I mentioned in my previous email” will sound rude.

How do you use previously mentioned?

“As previously mentioned, we will be happy to meet you at the airport.” “The deal will go through as agreed.” I see this as ellipsis: “As (was/has been) previously mentioned…” “…as has been agreed”.

What is another word for aforementioned?

What is another word for aforementioned?

aforesaid foregoing
above-mentioned mentioned
earlier mentioned previously mentioned
prior mentioned selfsame
same above

What is the synonym of the word previously?

Frequently Asked Questions About previous Some common synonyms of previous are antecedent, anterior, foregoing, former, preceding, and prior. While all these words mean “being before,” previous and prior imply existing or occurring earlier, but prior often adds an implication of greater importance.

What is another word for essentially?

In this page you can discover 48 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for essentially, like: basically, fundamentally, originally, centrally, chiefly, naturally, characteristically, necessarily, at-heart, determinately and significantly.