
What can I feed a sea hare?

What can I feed a sea hare?

Feeding. Sea hares eat nothing but algae, and most pet Aplysia species eat specifically hair algae. If your sea hare consumes all the algae in the tank, provide it with dried algae or seaweed to eat until more algae grows.

Do sea hares eat Bryopsis?

Sea hares will not eat bryopsis.

Will sea hare eat cyano?

The sea hare assists me greatly as far as syphoning this stuff out. It’s not a cure-all for serious cyano breakouts, but he sure does help.

Are sea hares nocturnal?

These slug like animals are nocturnal, poisonous, plant eating machines, with an internal shell and no spines or thick skin. Instead, sea hares use poisonous secretions from their skin and a can shoot a cloud of purple ink to deter predators.

What do you do with an Aplysia sea hare?

As mentioned above, Aplysia sea hares are aggressive algae eaters and are often purchased for the purposes of cleaning up a problem algae infestation with hair algae or other notorious troublemakers.

How does a sea hare get out of the aquarium?

That works great, in the wild, where the sea hare can escape into a rock, or the sand and the predator swims away while the ink dissipates in the ocean water–but in the confines of the reef aquarium, there is nowhere for the ink to dissipate to–which can cause some big problems.

What should I do if my sea hare is inking?

Dispose of the filtration media once the coast is clear. Try to identify what caused the sea hare to ink, and either remove the problem or closely watch the tank. If the cause of the inking is a semi-aggressive fish, remove them from the tank.

Where does the Aplysia sea hare slug live?

Yes, that’s right. In the wild, Dolabella auricularia and other Aplysia family sea hare slugs enjoy living in slow-moving ocean waters and is camouflaged to blend in with its food, while it is eating and improve their odds of becoming food for something else. These sea hares inhabit the Indian and North West Pacific ocean.