
What area code is 01801?

What area code is 01801?

Geographic – unassigned. The 01801 dialling code has not yet been allocated to any geographic location. If you have received a call from a telephone number beginning 01801, it is likely that the caller is spoofing their identity.

How do you find out who just called you?

Find out who is calling you from your smartphone using NumberGuru. NumberGuru is a free service that allows you to quickly look up who is calling you, in some cases even if they are calling you from a cell phone.

Who called me 0208?

⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 0208 that called you is phone scam! At the moment we are unable to verify that this number is genuine and truly belongs to Virgin Media.

Do HMRC ever call you?

HMRC has told Which? it does call people about outstanding tax bills, and sometimes uses automated messages, but it will always include your taxpayer reference number. It says it will never send notifications of a tax rebate or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email or text message.

How do I block an 020 number?

Register with the Telephone Preference Service The best way to reduce nuisance calls is to register for free with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). They’ll add you to their list of numbers that don’t want to receive sales and marketing calls.

How do you locate ZIP codes?

To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

How do you find the extended ZIP code?

Visit the USPS website and click on the link titled “Look Up a ZIP Code.”. Enter the mailing address in the appropriate boxes and click “Find.”. For example, enter 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC if you are looking up the ZIP Code+4 Extension for the White House.

What is a four digit ZIP code?

The 4-digit zip code identifies a very specific geographic position within the 5-digit zip code, such as a city block, apartment group, an individual receiver of mail, a post office box, or any other unit. And it’s used to aid in aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery, by the way,…

What is the second part of a ZIP code?

The second part is known as the Inward Code because it is used to sort the mail INTO the local area delivery office. This part is one number followed by two letters. The number identifies the sector in the postal district. The letters then define one or more properties in that sector.