What are the major geologic features of continental margins?
What are the major geologic features of continental margins?
The continental margins consist of three portions: (1) the continental shelf which has shallow water depths rarely deeper than 650 ft) and extends seaward from the shoreline to distances ranging from 12.3 miles to 249 miles, (2) the continental slope where the bottom drops off to depths of up to 3.1 miles, and (3) the …
What are three major features of a passive continental margin?
The features comprising passive continental margins include the continental shelf (the flooded extension of the continent), the continental slope (has the steepest slope), and the continental rise.
What features are associated with a passive continental margin?
The Atlantic and Gulf coasts show the classic form of a passive continental margin: a low-lying coastal plain, broad continental shelf, then a steep continental slope, gentle continental rise, and flat abyssal plain. This topography is a consequence of the transition from thick continental to thin oceanic crust.
What are three major features of a passive continental margin quizlet?
A passive continental margin is tectonically inactive and features a continental shelf, a continental slope, and a continental rise (from land toward the sea); An active continental margin is located along a convergent plate boundary, has a deep-ocean trench where subduction takes place, and may have evidence of an …
What are the 4 parts of the continental margin?
Continental margin.
What are the four parts of the continental margin?
Major Continental Margin Features
- Continental shelf. This is very shallow water, and underlain by continental crust.
- Continental slope. This is much steeper than the shelf, usually about 3° but ranging from 1-10°.
- Continental rise.
- Abyssal plains.
What are some differences between an active and passive continental margin?
An active continental margin is found on the leading edge of the continent where it is crashing into an oceanic plate. Passive continental margins are found along the remaining coastlines.
What is passive continental margin?
A passive continental margin occurs where the transition from land to sea is not associated with a plate boundary. The east coast of the United States is a good example; the plate boundary is located along the mid Atlantic ridge, far from the coast. Passive margins are less geologically active.
What is a passive continental margin give an example?
What is the difference between an active continental margin in a passive continental margin?
What are 2 types of continental margins?
There are two types of continental margins: active and passive margins. Active margins are typically associated with lithospheric plate boundaries. These active margins can be convergent or transform margins, and are also places of high tectonic activity, including volcanoes and earthquakes.
What are three characteristics of the continental slope?
The continental slope (often referred to simply as “the slope”) is commonly dissected by submarine canyons; faulting, rifting and slumping of large blocks of sediment can form steep escarpments, relatively flat terraces and (under certain conditions) basins perched on the slope.