
What are the cross-curricular competencies?

What are the cross-curricular competencies?

The cross-curricular competencies are of various types, highlighting different facets of the capacity to act effectively: intellectual, methodological, personal and social, and communication-related. They complement each other, so that when one of them is applied, it generally opens doors to the others.

What is a cross-curricular skill?

INTRODUCTION. The cross-curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics, and Using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are the bedrock skills through which young people access knowledge. These skills are developed across the curriculum and are the responsibility of all teachers.

How do you make cross-curricular links in your lessons?

7 steps to create interesting curriculum connections

  1. Communicate with supervisors.
  2. Create a concept map.
  3. Integrate those subjects.
  4. Plan thematic units.
  5. Combine lessons.
  6. Engage in project-based learning.
  7. Collaborate with other teachers.

What are the competencies of cross curricular activities?

Cross-Curricular Competencies2.1Intellectual Competencies15 The intellectual competencies call on even the youngest students to go beyond superficial memorization of con- tent and mindless conformity, and to aim for a higher level of skills.

When to make cross-curricular connections in instruction?

When students see the connections between individual subject areas, the material becomes more relevant. When these kinds of connections are part of planned instruction for a lesson or a unit, they are called cross-curricular, or interdisciplinary, instruction.

Why are crosscurriculars called cross curriculars in school?

They are called cross-curricular because of their generic nature— because they transcend the various subject areas—and also because all school staff members, regardless of their subjects, are responsible for helping students develop them.

What are cross curricular activities in physical education class?

There are many opportunities to reinforce core content and cross curricular activities in physical education class. This effort to support language arts, math, history, and science should not come at the expense of teaching physical education standards and content.