What are some of your rights and responsibilities as an apprentice?
What are some of your rights and responsibilities as an apprentice?
As an apprentice you’ll get the same entitlements as other employees, such as annual leave, sick leave, public holidays and breaks. Awards and registered agreements can have specific entitlements or rules that apply to apprentices.
Can you claim money while doing an apprenticeship?
Yes, apprentices are eligible to claim benefits.
Can an apprentice be made redundant?
Can I Make an Apprentice Redundant? Apprentices have the same employment rights as all other employees, but an apprenticeship contract cannot be terminated due to redundancy unless the employer’s business closes or undergoes significant changes meaning it’s no longer feasible to provide the required training.
Can you sack an apprentice?
In terms of the dismissal, apprentices have better protection against dismissal than normal employees. An apprentice can only be dismissed in one of two circumstances – if they have been guilty of gross misconduct or if they have been seriously incompetent.
What makes an apprentice an employee in the UK?
As an apprentice, you are an employee within the definition in the Employment Rights Act 1996. Section 230 (2) says; In this Act “contract of employment” means a contract of service or apprenticeship, whether express or implied, and (if it is express) whether oral or in writing.
What is the purpose of an apprenticeship agreement?
The apprenticeship agreement is used to confirm individual employment arrangements between the apprentice and the employer and will include the skill, trade or occupation for which the apprentice is being trained under the qualifying apprenticeship framework.
What happens if you don’t comply with an apprenticeship agreement?
If you do not comply, your apprenticeship would be legally classified as a common law apprenticeship, meaning you are unable to terminate the contract. Complying with this legislation means setting out a written Apprenticeship Agreement, which forms the contract between the apprentice and employer.
Who is responsible for the quality of apprenticeship training?
You and your approved apprenticeship provider are responsible for ensuring that your apprentice training meets the quality standards set out by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).