
What are some impressive achievements?

What are some impressive achievements?

‘My greatest achievement’ examples could include:

  • Giving a great presentation at work.
  • Beating sales targets.
  • Training for and completing a marathon.
  • Organizing a successful charity event.
  • Mentoring a coworker or fellow student.

What can I put for awards and achievements on a resume?

When listing your awards and accomplishments, you usually want to put them under their respective education or employment history sections. If the award is part of your education history, include it under your education summary. If it is relevant to past work experience, include it with your employment history.

What was one of Snefru’s most important accomplishments?

He also sent out an expedition to Lebanon and they returned with 40 ships of cedar wood that was good for building big boats. Snefru was known for successful attacks against Libya and they took 11,000 Libyans captive. Snefru’s accomplishments changed and improved Egyptian lifestyle.

Where do you put accomplishments on a resume?

There are a few ways to include accomplishments in your resume design. Some career advisors suggest adding a triple-A (achievements, accomplishments, accolades) section on the first page of your resume.

How did Snefru’s design change the world?

Snefru greatly impacted history because of his design to create the first smooth sided pyramid. Today he changed our lifestyle because he improved our technology and government. He is a great leader and a role model.

What did Snefru do when he built the pyramids?

Accomplishments. Snefru not only built the first true pyramids, he accomplished much more. Snefru built five pyramids in his lifetime: Small Step Pyramid at Seila, Meidum Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Cult Pyramid, and the Red Pyramid. He conquered the Sinai Peninsula which was an important place for Egyptians to trade and manufacture. He also sent out…