
What are document types in SAP FICO?

What are document types in SAP FICO?

SAP FI – Define Document Type

Document Type Document Type Description
DR Customer Invoice
DZ Customer Payment
KA Vendor Document
KG Vendor Credit Memo

What are the different document types?

Here’s a guide to help you get a firm grasp of common document types.

  • Document file types – DOC and DOCX. The DOC and DOCX file types are a product of Microsoft Word software.
  • XLS and XLSX. The XLS document file and XLSX document file are Microsoft Excel software products, which are in the form of a spreadsheet.
  • PDF.
  • HTML.

What is document type and number ranges in SAP FICO?

Document number ranges are defined at the specific interval within which documents should be created in SAP. Document number ranges depend upon company code and are valid for the defined year. The number range becomes effective by the document type specified in document entry and posting.

How do I find the document type in SAP?


  1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Document.
  2. For documents in the entry view: Display (FB03)
  3. For documents in the general ledger view: Display General Ledger View (FB03L)
  4. The Display Document: Initial Screen appears.
  5. Choose Document List .

What is FICO full form?

A FICO score is a credit score created by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). 1 Lenders use borrowers’ FICO scores along with other details on borrowers’ credit reports to assess credit risk and determine whether to extend credit.

What does AB mean in SAP?

Document type and Number range relationship in SAP

Document Types in SAP Description for Document Types in SAP
AB Accounting doc
AE Accounting doc
AF Dep. postings
AN Net asset posting

What are 3 types of documents?

Common Types of Documents

  • Emails.
  • Business Letters.
  • Business Reports.
  • Transactional Documents.
  • Financial Reports and Documents.

What is FBN1 SAP FICO?

Module. Financial Accounting. The SAP TCode FBN1 is used for the task : Accounting Document Number Ranges. The TCode belongs to the FIDC package.

What is the TCode for document posting journal entry?

How to post a journal Entry in SAP FI? Use T-code FB50 → Provide the Company code. G/L Account − Enter the account to be credited. Short Text − Description of amount.

Is SAP FICO tough?

Yes, a career in SAP FICO is still very good and demanding. It is even better if you are from an accounts or finance background. SAP is the leading ERP worldwide and its popularity and demand are increasing day by day. It offers you a huge number of career options within its domain.

What is FICO used for?

A FICO Score is a three-digit number based on the information in your credit reports. It helps lenders determine how likely you are to repay a loan. This, in turn, affects how much you can borrow, how many months you have to repay, and how much it will cost (the interest rate).

How are document types assigned in SAP Fico?

Depending upon the document type, either the SAP system assigns the document numbers internally or you assign them externally. The System automatically determines the period that is permitted for posting. A line item is made up of an account number, posting key and some additional details. Posting key is known as debit or credit indicator.

How to define document types in SAP-SAP tutorial?

Document type configuration steps :-. Step 1 :– Enter T-Code SPRO in the Command Field of the SAP Easy Access Menu Screen and press Enter key on the Keyboard. IMG Menu Path :- SAP Customizing Implementation Guide –> Financial A/C –> Global Settings –> Documents –> Document Header –> Define Document types. 1.

What does SAP FI-define document type key do?

SAP FI – Define Document Type. Document Type Key is used to distinguish between different business transactions and to classify the accounting documents.

Where do I find the bkpf table in SAP Fico?

You must remember that for every business transaction, you may have one or multiple documents in SAP FICO. Hence all the details related to a Document Header is part of the BKPF Table which is there in the system database. The same concept of Document Type in SAP FICO is also applicable in the SAP S4 HANA Finance too.