
Is the Skyforge Steel sword good?

Is the Skyforge Steel sword good?

It is identical to the Steel Sword in appearance, but has a higher damage rating which is on par with an Elven Sword. Skyforge Steel Swords do as much damage as Elven Swords, but are lighter and require less valuable resources to upgrade, making them a better alternative to Elven weaponry.

Do Skyforge weapons level with you?

Skyforge weapons have fixed stats. They do not “level” with you. Just like every other piece of gear, their effective stats vary based on your proficiency in the appropriate skill.

Is there Skyforge Steel armor?

This mod adds Steel armors to skyrim, that can be forged at the skyforge only once you’ve completed the companions questline. These are also sold by Eorlund Graymane, for those who wish can just buy and do whatever from there as well.

How much damage does a Steel sword do?

Wiki Targeted (Games)

Base Damage Weight Base Value
8 10 45

Is the Skyforge steel the same as regular steel?

Skyforge Steel weapons are identical in appearance to regular steel weapons. The damage rating of Skyforge Steel weapons is in the tier of Elven weaponry while the weight is the same as Steel. Skyforge Steel weapons benefit from the Steel Smithing perk.

Are there any other mods for Skyforge weapons?

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. exist but in minutely organized Particulars.” Steel versions of the weapons are replacers for all Skyforge steel weapons in the game.

Can you make a steel dagger In Skyforge?

Skyforge Steel weapons cannot be crafted by the player, as the only “unique” weapons that the Skyforge can craft are Nord Hero weapons. All except the dagger can be improved by using a grindstone and a Steel Ingot. Skyforge Steel warhammers and maces do not exist.

How much damage does Skyforge steel sword do?

Attributes by piece edit | edit source Weapon Damage Weight Value ID Skyforge Steel Battleaxe 21 21 150 0009f25f Skyforge Steel Dagger 8 2.5 25 0009f25d Skyforge Steel Greatsword 20 17 140 0009f25e Skyforge Steel Sword 11 10 70 0009f25c