
Is the miracle blanket swaddle safe?

Is the miracle blanket swaddle safe?

A Proven Safety Record More than 1.5 million babies have been safely swaddled in the Miracle Blanket since it was invented back in 2003.

Why is there a hole in the back of the SwaddleMe blanket?

The hole on the back of a SwaddleMe is to swaddle your baby in a harness. The slit in the back is there so you can use the swaddle with bouncers and swings. We do not recommend using a swaddle with an infant car seat.

Why is swaddling not recommended anymore?

But there are downsides to swaddling. Because it keeps the legs together and straight, it can increase the risk of hip problems. And if the fabric used to swaddle a baby comes loose, it can increase the risk of suffocation. Always put your baby to sleep on his back.

When to swaddle Your Baby with the Miracle Blanket?

The Miracle Blanket is made for babies ages birth to 14 weeks. Babies should ALWAYS sleep on their backs, and never on their sides or stomachs. Additionally, babies should not be swaddled PERIOD, after they begin to roll over. At the age of 14 weeks (unless baby begins to roll over sooner) is the time when you graduate your baby from…

Is there such a thing as a Miracle Blanket?

Being a new parent can be challenging enough without adding sleep deprivation to it. The miracle blanket is the secret to a happy, well-rested baby, as well as a well-rested mom and dad.

Which is the best swaddle wrap for babies?

The miracle blanket is the only true swaddling blanket that guarantees its effectiveness with it’s triple patented arm flap design and length. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is which color to choose. Would you like to tell us about a lower price?

How does the Miracle Blanket help your baby sleep?

The miracle blanket is the secret to a happy, well-rested baby, as well as a well-rested mom and dad. The miracle blanket has been proven to extend sleep periods between feedings by preventing night movement and separation anxiety; thus allowing mom and dad a greater duration for sleep.