
Is mSphere a good journal?

Is mSphere a good journal?

It is published by American Society for Microbiology. The overall rank of mSphere is 1712. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 1.749. The best quartile for this journal is Q1.

Is mSphere open access?

mSphere is an open-access (OA), pan-microbial sciences journal published by the American Society for Microbiology, the oldest life sciences membership organization in the United States.

Is American Society for Microbiology a good journal?

Known for the quality, rigor, and fairness of the review process, ASM Journals continue to provide current, influential coverage of basic and clinical microbial research. ASM Journals publish 26% of all microbiology articles and contribute 44% of all microbiology citations*. Clinical Microbiology Reviews.

What is the impact factor of journal of Virology?

Journal of Virology/Impact Factor

Can a journal be indexed in a general index?

In addition to getting indexed in general and scholarly search engines, you’ll also want to seek inclusion in scholarly indexing databases. You can have your journals added to general indexing databases that cover all or multiple disciplines and/or discipline-specific databases.

Which is the best index for IGI Global journals?

IGI Global journals are found in a number of prestigious indices, including Web of Science, Scopus, and Compendex. Selection criteria is based on the amount of highly cited content found in the journal, as well as its practical relevance and contribution to the field of research.

Why are some journals not indexed in Google Scholar?

Journals that published fewer than 100 articles in the window of time used by Google in the analysis are excluded. So a journal may be indexed by Google Scholar, and may be searched and discovered there, but not be listed in their journal rankings because they didn’t publish enough articles in a given time period.

Which is the best indexer for open access journals?

DOAJ “is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.”. EBSCO. EBSCO “provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of e-journals, e-books, and research databases.”. They tend to be more proactive than other indexers at trying to acquire content.