
Is it Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year or Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

Is it Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year or Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

In my opinion, both are correct with a little capitalization. 1. I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

What’s wrong with saying Merry Christmas?

“It’s considered politically correct to say Happy Holidays, so it’s just considered insensitive to say Merry Christmas to other people who aren’t from this country that don’t celebrate it,“ said senior Miguel Montano, Div. “Merry Christmas” is a traditional saying that’s been around for centuries.

How do you say I wish you a Merry Christmas in German?

The most common way to wish someone a merry Christmas in German is to tell them, “Frohe Weihnachten.” Directly translated, that means merry Christmas.

What is the German Christmas greeting?

Here are some of the most common Christmas greetings used in Germany, so you can spread Christmas cheer far and wide: Fröhliche Weihnachten / Frohe Weihnachten – Merry Christmas. Besinnliche Feiertage / Erholsame Feiertage – Have a peaceful holiday season. Frohes Fest / Schöne Festtage – Happy holidays.

What do you say for Happy New Year?

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you make the most of 2021! May the new year bring you peace, joy, and happiness. Wishing you and yours health and prosperity in the new year.

When is it appropriate to say Merry Christmas?

The English regularised the putting up of Christmas decorations to around 13 Dec., so at least for the English (traditionally speaking) saying “Merry Christmas” is okay after 13 Dec.

What does I mean when I say ‘Merry Christmas’?

‘Merry Christmas’ is the traditional phrase used during the Christmas season to wish each other. This is a highly popular slogan found on the greeting cards. Quite strangely, there are mixed notions regarding the relevance of this expression to commemorate the joy of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

How do you say Merry Christmas?

Say “Merry Christmas” in French. This translates to “Joyeux Noël.”. For Francophiles , “Joyeux Noël” is the greeting of the season, and you will hear it or say it in a number of places around the world, such as: France, of course, and also in much of Canada.

When do I say Merry Christmas?

These days, it’s common practice to wish “Merry Christmas” to one another around the 25th of December, the day of Christmas. The origin of this practice is a little obscure. However, it’s believed that an English admiral first used the term Merry Christmas in an informal letter, way back in 1699.