Is Contax T3 better than T2?
Is Contax T3 better than T2?
The T3 also reduced the minimum focusing distance from 70cm on the T2 to 35cm for greater usability at close range, almost essential for any 35mm focal length lens.
What is so special about Contax T2?
8 Zeiss Sonar lens, extremely solid build quality, and simple ergonomics. “The Contax T2 was a very unique camera created at a time when most manufactures were producing some pretty plain Jane options for that segment. “It is even more noticeable when it is a compact camera where you don’t expect to see a Zeiss lens.”
Is Contax T2 a good camera?
The lens is excellent: one of the sharpest in any compact camera (although perhaps not quite the sharpest). More than the sharpness, this lens has that Zeiss magic. This camera simply produces gorgeous-looking photos. Overall, the Contax T2 disappoints me slightly in some ways, yet is still a camera I really like.
Is the Contax T3 a good camera to buy?
The Contax T3 is a camera I thought about buying many times before I put my money down. It’s the camera I thought about buying after I felt I achieved so much with the Yashica T5. It’s the camera that I thought about before I bought the Contax T2, but couldn’t afford.
What’s the difference between Ricoh GR1s and GR1v?
The GR1s and GR1v have improved optical coatings for better flare resistance, and the GR1v adds multiple SNAP distances and manual ISO selection.
Which is bigger Minolta TC1 or Contax T3?
In terms of size, the Contax T3 measures up very well. It’s bigger than the Minolta TC-1, but not much. Certainly comfortable in a trouser pocket, and disappears into my inside coat pocket. It doesn’t feel like it weighs me down in the same way its big brother the Contax T2 did.
What are the different types of Ricoh GR lenses?
The GR series actually comes in a few flavors: the original GR1, GR10, GR1s, GR1v and GR1v date, and finally, a GR21; all are available in black or natural magnesium finishes; all have 28/2.8 lenses except the GR21, which has a 21/3.5 that doesn’t fully collapse back into the body.