How to get the redirected URL in JavaScript?
How to get the redirected URL in JavaScript?
That is not possible. JavaScript can only get things from its page NOTE: You can do that if you can at least declare variables in redirect URL. Now, to get the redirect page you need to get the variable “redir” from current URL. Check this question. So, after getting the “redir”, you decode it: Not the answer you’re looking for?
Can a redirect page be on the same server?
The redirected page can be on the same server or on a different server. It can also be on the same website or on different websites. Sometimes when we clicked on a URL, we directed to another URL. It happens because of the page redirection. It is different from refreshing a page.
How is JavaScript redirection different from refreshing a page?
It is different from refreshing a page. Generally, search engines do not analyze the JavaScript to check the redirection. So, if it is required to notify the search engines (SEO) about the URL forwarding, we need to add the rel = “canonical” tag within the head section of the web page.
When to redirect to a new HTML page?
When you say “redirect”, to most people that suggests changing the location of the HTML page: When you say “redirect to function” – it doesn’t really make sense. You can call a function or you can redirect to another page. You can even redirect and have a function called when the new page loads.
Is there a redirect plugin for jQuery?
If you are using jQuery, there is a redirect plugin that works with the POST or GET method. It creates a form with hidden inputs and submits it for you. An example of how to get it working:
How to send post data on redirect with jQuery?
If you are using jQuery, there is a redirect plugin that works with the POST or GET method. It creates a form with hidden inputs and submits it for you. An example of how to get it working: $.redirect (‘demo.php’, {‘arg1’: ‘value1’, ‘arg2’: ‘value2’});
Which is the best way to redirect from one page to another?
The most popular ones are location.href and location.replace: Note: The difference between href and replace, is that replace () removes the URL of the current document from the document history, meaning that it is not possible to use the “back” button to navigate back to the original document.