How much are mule deer sheds worth?
How much are mule deer sheds worth?
Here’s what you can expect to pay for antlers at these locations: Fresh elk drops retail for about $8 to $12 per pound. Moose “paddles” in good shape are approximately $10 to $15 per pound. First-year mule deer sheds go for an average of $8 to $15 per pound. (Large antlers are more per pound than small ones.)
What month do mule deer shed their antlers?
Mule and white-tailed deer start dropping their antlers in mid-December, but some don’t shed until early April. Elk shed last, between January and April, though the great majority lose their racks in March.
Where can I find big mule deer sheds?
One of my favorite places to find mule deer sheds is in and around bedding areas. I think that 65 percent or more of big bucks will drop their antlers in their bedding area.
What is the best month to go shed hunting?
On most years, between February 15 and March 15 is the best time to start shed hunting. I’d then recommend adjusting your starting point in either direction based on the severity of the winter, available nutrition, and results of your trail camera surveys.
When should you start shed hunting?
Traditionally, shed hunting season starts in February and wraps up around the end of March. Certainly, sheds can be found throughout the year and usually can be picked up during spring gobbler season if the rodents have not consumed them all yet.
When do Deer Shed and why they drop their antlers?
In Short: Why Do Deer Shed Their Antlers? Deer shed their antlers when their testosterone falls after mating, also known as their rut. This hormone decrease causes a weakening of the pedicle, which is the tissue and bone at the base of the antler. The process of the pedicle weakening and the antlers falling off can occur quite rapidly.
When to find deer sheds?
It is known that the best months to find deer sheds are between March and April, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t find a shed in other months. However, during the summer months, male hormones slow the growth of antlers, which causes vasoconstriction and cutting off of blood and nutrient supply.
Where to look for deer sheds?
Look for deer and elk sign. You will usually find the most antler sheds by walking deer and elk trails. Watch for areas that would cause an antler to fall off. Good places to look: Near fallen trees and branches on trails, on steep hills, and near thickets and thick cover that would catch on antlers.