
How many employees are there at Landoll parts?

How many employees are there at Landoll parts?

Landoll has 12 dedicated drivers and company over the road trucks, 11 traveling technicians, 7 internal technicians, 5 fully equipped mobile service trucks, 4 warranty personnel, and our Parts Distribution Center has over 31,000 parts, the Landoll Customer Service Group is ready to deliver quick Total Customer Satisfaction.

How does cylinder adjustment work on a Landoll?

A simple cylinder adjustment allows the operator to adjust the down pressure on the reels or rollers to meet varying field conditions. Individual torsion mounted 24” notched or smooth blades on a 17-degree angle and 10” spacing are protected by rubber mounts to relieve stress on the frame and blades.

Can you load from the rear of a Landoll trailer?

The all-new Pin-On Beavertail and Hydraulic Power Ramps option allows customers to load and unload from the rear of a detachable trailer. All Landoll […]

How does Landoll stay on the cutting edge of Technology?

Landoll stays on the cutting edge of modern and innovative technology. Understanding that downtime is expensive, we focus on making high-quality products to keep our customers on the road, in the field, and down the aisles.

What did the InsideView company do for a living?

Collectively, they’ve founded numerous startups and led them to successful IPOs (six and counting!), headed content production for top business information providers, architected multi-tenant, multi-tiered software systems, and launched transformational products in a variety of markets. Life is short. Be part of something important.

Who is the founder of Landoll Company LLC?

Since 1963, founder, owner, and President of Landoll Company, LLC, Don Landoll, has provided a vision for the company focusing on “Customer Comes First” philosophy. Don’s commitment to customer satisfaction is still very much in effect 55 years later.