How many dolphin kicks do you get during a breaststroke pull down?
How many dolphin kicks do you get during a breaststroke pull down?
As the arms are pulling down, one downward dolphin kick is allowed (as of the 2005 season), though still optional; more than one dolphin kick will result in disqualification. This is followed by the recovery of the arms to the streamline position once more with a breaststroke kick.
What is an illegal breaststroke kick?
Back in 2004, the dolphin kick was completely illegal in breaststroke races. After the Kitajima controversy, FINA strangely decided to become more permissive, ruling that breaststrokers could take one—and only one—dolphin kick at the start and the turn of each race.
What is the dolphin kick in swimming?
noun Swimming. (in the butterfly stroke) a kick in which the legs move up and down together, with the knees bent on the upswing.
How many dolphin kicks are allowed in swimming?
Since most swimmers have kick speeds considerably slower than their swim speeds, they should be taking the minimum number of dolphin kicks to reach the breakout. Typically, on a turn, that is two dolphin kicks and on a start, three kicks.
Is there a dolphin kick at the end of the breaststroke?
Also the dolphin kick at the end of the breaststroke kick, especially in the middle of the pool. All one has to do is look at the times to see that the swimmers who are practicing this technique have seized the advantage (legally of course). This totally changes the times that H.S. kids are doing.
What are the new rules for breaststroke pullouts?
My reading is that the new rule allows two things not previously permitted. One, is the fly kick in streamline (no need to initiate the pull with separation of hands) and the second is fly kick any time off the start and turns as long as it precedes the breaststroke kick.
Why do some swimmers do the dolphin kick?
Initially, when the dolphin kick was added, most athletes did the dolphin kick clearly during the pull-down. That water became muddied, however, when many swimmers began doing the pullout while effectively still in a streamline – especially in Europe and South Africa, where swimmers were breaking World Records.
Can a dive then a breaststroke kick start a race?
I don’t think this interpretation is correct. You can dive then streamline then fly kick, but the stroke must start with a pull then a breaststroke kick, not a breaststroke kick then a pull. This is under rule SW7.2 – “From the start and throughout the race the stroke cycle shall be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order”.