
How long is the Ramapo Fault line?

How long is the Ramapo Fault line?

185 miles
Spanning more than 185 miles (298 km) in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, it is perhaps the best known fault zone in the Mid-Atlantic region, and some small earthquakes have been known to occur in its vicinity.

What kind of fault is the Ramapo Fault?

normal faulting
In our area, the longest and most active of these many cracks was the Ramapo Fault, which, through a process known as normal faulting, caused one side of the earth’s crust to slip lower—the Piedmont—relative to the other side—the Highlands.

What are the dimensions of the fault system?

The entire San Andreas fault system is more than 800 miles long and extends to depths of at least 10 miles within the Earth. In detail, the fault is a complex zone of crushed and broken rock from a few hundred feet to a mile wide.

What is the name of the largest fault in NJ?

Although there are many faults in New Jersey, the Ramapo Fault, which separates the Piedmont and Highlands Physiographic Provinces, is the best known (see last figure). In 1884 it was thought to have caused a damaging New York City quake simply because it was the only large fault mapped at the time.

Where is the Ramapo Fault in New York?

He has been leading a four-year effort to remap an area known as the Sloatsburg Quadrangle, a 5-by-7-mile tract near Mahwah that crosses into New York State. The Ramapo Fault, which runs through it, was responsible for a big earthquake in 1884, and Dr. Gates warns that a recurrence is overdue.

Is the Ramapo Fault responsible for an earthquake?

The Ramapo Fault has been blamed for several past earthquakes, but the specific association of any significant earthquake with this fault has yet to be demonstrated.

Where are the fault lines in New Jersey?

The faults in these parts are from tectonic activity more than 200 million years ago (Muessig, 2013). There are many faults in New Jersey; however, the Ramapo Fault, which separates the Piedmont and Highlands Phsioy graphic Provinces, is best known.