
How long does harmattan last in Nigeria?

How long does harmattan last in Nigeria?

Heres how to survive the intense weather. The season of Harmattan, from Twi word haramata, originates from the dry and dusty harmattan trade winds which blows from the Sahara desert over West Africa. It usually comes between the end of November and the middle of March.

What happens during harmattan?

The Harmattan brings desert-like weather conditions: it lowers the humidity, dissipates cloud cover, prevents rainfall formation and sometimes creates big clouds of dust which can result in dust storms or sandstorms. The wind can increase fire risk and cause severe crop damage.

Which wind is called Doctor wind?

On its passage over the Sahara, the harmattan picks up fine dust and sand particles (between 0.5 and 10 microns). It is also known as the “doctor wind”, because of its invigorating dryness compared with humid tropical air.

Is harmattan same as winter?

The harmattan season differs from winter because it is characterized by cold–dry wind, heavy dust-laden particles, and wide fluctuations in day and night ambient temperatures (AT).

Does Nigeria have snow?

Snow is not something you would expect in Nigeria, a country so near the Equator. As a tropical country, there are two rainy seasons in Nigeria that extend from March to June and September to November.

Why is harmattan called Doctor?

Africa it is known as ‘the doctor’ because of its invigorating dryness compared with humid tropical air. The harmattan wind stream occasionally extends south of the equator during the northern winter as an upper air wind over the south-westerly monsoon…. …

Why is Nigeria Dusty?

Everyone is waiting for the rains. This annual invasion of the infamous Harmattan is a seasonal sheen of fine dust from the Sahara desert and dry and degraded land that blows over West Africa and deeply affects Nigeria during the dry months. Dust has blocked the sun and visibility.

What is very hot wind called?

Sirocco. A sirocco is a hot desert wind that blows northward from the Sahara toward the Mediterranean coast of Europe. More broadly, it is used for any kind of hot, oppressive wind.

What’s Wahala mean?

Wahala. Wahala means ‘Trouble’, and its meaning can change depending on context. When someone says ‘No wahala, they could mean ‘Yes’ or ‘No problem’. The flip side is ‘Wahala dey o’, meaning there is a problem.

What is the strongest wind called?

Gale refers to a current of air that measures in the range of 32 to 63 miles per hour on the Beaufort scale. More generally, it’s any strong wind: On this links-style course, autumn gales blow fiercely across the moors – so fiercely that a misstruck shot can turn on you like a rogue boomerang.