How is Antigone a Greek tragedy?
How is Antigone a Greek tragedy?
The play Antigone is often thought to be a Greek tragedy because each of the tragic heroes is neither extremely good or bad, their fortunes change from good to bad, their misfortunes do not result from their own wrong doings, and they arouse pity within the audience.
Who translated Antigone?
George Theodoridis
Sophocles (c. 496–c. 406 BC) – Antigone: Translated by George Theodoridis.
What does the Greek name Antigone mean?
She is a sister of Polynices, Eteocles, and Ismene. The meaning of the name is, as in the case of the masculine equivalent Antigonus, “worthy of one’s parents” or “in place of one’s parents”. She is the protagonist of the eponymous play by Sophocles.
When was Antigone translated to English?
442 BC
Antigone/Premiere dates
Is Antigone an Aristotelian tragedy?
The play Antigone by Sophocles is considered a tragedy. There are five rules created by Aristotle that classify a tragedy. Two main characters are the king Creon and a girl named Antigone. Antigone is a tragedy because it exhibits and follows all five of Aristotle’s rules.
Is Antigone a true story?
In ancient Greece, Antigone is mostly related to the myth that was told by the Ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, although there is reference to a different Antigone in the ancient Greek World. Antigone was the daughter of King Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta.
How did Antigone react to be taken by the guards?
How did Antigone react to being captured by the sentries? Antigone did not resist, but went with the sentries willingly. Ismene wants to share in Antigone’s guilt and punishment for burying Polyneices, yet she had refused to help her sister bury their brother.
Is Antigone a royalty?
The Antigone family tree is crucial to understanding what happens in the Greek playwright Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone. She is a member of the Royal Line of Thebes, and her family is the main subject of Sophocles’ plays in The Oedipus Plays; Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone.
Who did Antigone want to bury?
Antigone, who feels she must bury her dead brother under Divine law, decides to bury him without Ismene’s help. Antigone is seen burying her brother and is arrested for defying Creon. Creon sends Antigone to a cave/tomb to await her death. Haemon, Antigone’s fiancé and Creon’s son, argues for the release of Antigone.
Why Antigone is considered a tragedy?
“Antigone” can be classified as a Greek tragedy because we find the general conception of Greek tragedy, a tragic hero, the cause of his downfall and thematic significance. In “Antigone” the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride. He cannot imagine that anyone else can be right.
When did Sophocles write his book Antigone?
496–c.406 BC) – Antigone: Translated by George Theodoridis.
Where are Antigone and Ismene at in Sophocles?
The top is used by Creon, Eurydice and their attendants. The lower by everyone else. ANTIGONE and ISMENE stand together at Stage Left. It is made obvious that ANTIGONE has brought ISMENE to that spot in secret. They are “whispering,” lest anyone in the palace hears them.
Can a collage of Sophocles poetry be used?
Under no circumstances should any of this work be used as part of a collage, which includes the work of other writers or translators. Before the curtain is raised we hear the sounds of battle. Fade out. Sounds of a bright morning. Cheery birds. Continues until just before Antigone speaks. Curtain is raised. Dawn breaking.
What did Sophocles say about the Argive enemy?
Since that day when we were robbed of both our brothers I’ve heard nothing. In that one day, in that one fatal battle, one brother killed the other. I’ve heard that the Argive enemy has run away last night but other than that, I’ve heard nothing else, nothing that would me make me neither happy nor sad. Antigone I thought so.