
How hard is the EC-6 content exam?

How hard is the EC-6 content exam?

The exam consists of 5 individually graded subtests with a total of 210 multiple choice questions. You will have 5 hours to complete all five subtests. The CORE Subjects EC-6 is difficult because you must pass each subtest and each subtest is individually timed.

What is a generalist EC-6?

in Education with a certification in EC-Grade 6 Core Subjects/Generalist program is for students seeking a Texas teacher certification in elementary school classrooms. It is a heavily field-based program, with students spending extensive time in early childhood and elementary classes.

What should I study for the TExES EC-6?

CORE Subjects EC-6: English Reading and Language Arts Breakdown

  • Phonics and Word Decoding.
  • Teaching Oral Language.
  • Literacy and Fluency Development.

What are the 6 core subjects?

Core Subjects EC–6 (291)

  • English Language Arts and Reading & Science of Teaching Reading (801)
  • Mathematics (802)
  • Social Studies (803)
  • Science (804)
  • Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education (805)

Can you use a calculator on the TExES EC-6?

Do you get a calculator on TExES exams? An on-screen calculator is not provided for the CORE Subjects EC-6 exam. For advanced exams like 7-12 Mathematics, you will need to bring your own graphing calculator. You can check out approved graphing calculators here.

How is the EC-6 exam scores?

All TExES exams are scored on a scale of 100-300 points. The minimum score that you need to pass a TExES test is 240 points. Your best strategy is to select the best answer for every question.

Is the EC-6 generalist exam hard?

The EC-6 exam covers a lot of information, which makes it a hard test. There are five subtests that focus on five different subject areas. The exam is used to determine if you are prepared to teach the content taught in Texas schools from early childhood through sixth grade, so it covers a lot of ground.

What can you teach with the EC-6 generalist?

The Core Subjects EC-6 certification area allows you to teach English, math, science, social studies, music, art, health and physical education at the elementary level, Early Childhood through 6th grade.

Can you use a calculator on the EC-6 generalist?

An on-screen calculator is not provided for the CORE Subjects EC-6 exam. For advanced exams like 7-12 Mathematics, you will need to bring your own graphing calculator.

How many times can I take the TExES exam?

5 attempts
Candidates are limited to a total of 5 attempts to pass a certification examination under Texas Education Code §21.048. A subsection of the law, which currently counts all attempts of the same examination taken before September 1, 2015 as only one attempt, has expired.

What is the passing score for the TExES exam?

Score Scales Total exam performance scores for all exams in the AAFCS, PACT, and TExES series are reported on a scale of 100 to 300, with a score of 240 established as the minimum passing score.

How long do you have to wait to retake a TExES exam?

30 days
You must wait 30 days after taking the TExES Core Subjects (211 or 291 or 391) or TX PACT Essential Academic Skills (700) exam before you can retake the overall exam or an individual subject exam.

What do you need to know about generalist EC-6?


Where to take the core subjects EC-6 test?

Locations: The CORE Subjects EC-6 is a Computer-Administered Test (CAT), so it can be taken at numerous locations across Texas, as well as a few locations outside of Texas.

How many multiple choice questions are on EC-6?

In fact, we will cover 4 key areas of the exam. Discover a realistic CORE Subjects EC-6 practice test above. Domain I has 33 multiple-choice questions. These questions account for 33% of the entire exam. This domain covers the following overarching concepts:

Can a certified teacher take The EC-6 test?

For more information, contact the TEA or your Educator Preparation Program. Who can take the test: Almost anybody. If you are a certified teacher, you can just register for the exam. If you are in an Educator Preparation Program, you can request test approval from your certification program.