How do you use Retrospect as a noun?
How do you use Retrospect as a noun?
Once you have “retrospective” behind you, you can also add its kin “retrospect” (which is used as a noun, an adjective, and a verb) and “retrospection” to your vocabulary, too. “Retrospective” can also be used as a noun, referring to an exhibition that “looks back” at artistic work created over a span of years.
What is a retrospective view definition?
Retrospective means looking back. An art exhibit that cover an artist’s entire career is called a retrospective because it looks back at the work the artist has produced over many years. Retro- means back, -spect- means look (think: spectacles), so the word means literally ‘a looking back.
What is the noun form of retrospect?
British Dictionary definitions for retrospect retrospect. / (ˈrɛtrəʊˌspɛkt) / noun. the act of surveying things past (often in the phrase in retrospect)
What does the phrase in retrospect mean?
in retrospect. : in considering the past or a past event.
Is Retrospectivity a word?
noun. The condition or fact of being retroactive; retroactive effect.
Is retrospect a verb or noun?
In retrospect — that is, in looking back and contemplating the past — we sometimes find ourselves wishing that we had done some things differently. Though this word most commonly appears as a noun in the phrase “in retrospect,” it can also be used as a verb.
What is an example of retrospective?
The definition of retrospective is looking back on something that happened in the past. When you are interviewed about past events, this is an example of a retrospective interview. An art exhibit showing an artists early works progressing to the artist’s most recent works is an example of a retrospective exhibit.
What type of word is retrospect?
In retrospect — that is, in looking back and contemplating the past — we sometimes find ourselves wishing that we had done some things differently. Though this word most commonly appears as a noun in the phrase “in retrospect,” it can also be used as a verb.
What is the present tense of retrospect?
Retrospect verb forms
Infinitive | Present Participle | Past Tense |
retrospect | retrospecting | retrospected |
What is the synonym of hindsight?
synonyms for hind-sight reminiscence. afterthought. flash. mind. recall.
What is the plural of the word retrospective?
Word forms: plural retrospectives. 1. countable noun. A retrospective is an exhibition or showing of work done by an artist over many years, rather than his or her most recent work. The actress will preside over a retrospective of her films. They honoured him with a retrospective exhibition in 1987.
Is there such a thing as a retrospective law?
Retrospectively, it seems as if they probably were negligent. To ascribe opinions retrospectively is of course very dangerous. Retrospective laws or legal actions take effect from a date before the date when they are officially approved . Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation.
Which is an example of a retrospective interview?
When you are interviewed about past events, this is an example of a retrospective interview. An art exhibit showing an artists early works progressing to the artist’s most recent works is an example of a retrospective exhibit. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Retrospective.”.
Which is the correct definition of the word retroactive?
/ ˌrɛ trəˈspɛk tɪv /. directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc. looking or directed backward. retroactive, as a statute.