
How do you unlock all costumes in Force Unleashed 2?

How do you unlock all costumes in Force Unleashed 2?

Unlockable Costumes

  1. Experimental Jedi Costume – Finish the game while earning the Light Side ending.
  2. Saber Guard Costume – Earn a silver medal in Cloning Spire Trial.
  3. The Dark Apprentice’s Robes – Finish the game while earning the Dark Side ending.
  4. Tie Flightsuit – Finish Kamino The Escape.

What are the cheat codes for Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2?


  • AJP400 – Unlock Jump Trooper skin.
  • GUNRAY – Unlock Neimoidian skin.
  • HAAZEN – Unlock the Sith Acolyte skin.
  • LIBO – Unlock Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal / Regain life when in use.
  • MANDALORE – Unlock Boba Fett skin.
  • MAREK – Unlock Force Repulse ability.
  • MORGUKAI – Unlock Saber Guard skin.

What console is Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 on?

Xbox 360
The Force Unleashed II is a single player action game for Xbox 360 and sequel to 2008’s Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Are there any secret costumes in Star Wars Force Unleashed 2?

You can unlock various additional secret costumes in Force Unleashed 2 by having a Save File of the original Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This will give you the following outfits. 19. Ceremonial Robes – Star Wars Force Unleashed Save File. 20. Sith Stalker Costume – Star Wars Force Unleashed Save File. 21.

Are there any cheats for Force Unleashed 2?

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for PC. If you’ve discovered a cheat you’d like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it . Unlock additional character costumes by completing the corresponding tasks indicated below.

Where did the costumes come from in Force Unleashed?

The protective equipment was scavenged from local desert Dwellers. Purchase the ‘Tatooine Mission Pack’ DLC. Once belonging to General Kota, this old Jedi Training outfit was often worn by Jedi Padawans when they took the Jedi trials,

Who are the characters in the Force Unleashed?

Purchase the ‘Character Pack 1’ DLC. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. Purchase the ‘Character Pack 1’ DLC. Purchase the ‘Character Pack 1’ DLC. Clone Trooper armor featured in Star Wars: Republic Commando. Purchase the ‘Character Pack 1’ DLC. Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council.

How many saber crystals are in force unleashed 2?

Scattered throughout Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II are forty-five collectible Holocrons that will yield a variety of benefits based on their color. Red grants a new color for your lightsaber.

What are the cheat codes for Star Wars The Force Unleashed?

Star Wars Force Unleashed Cheat Codes

Cheat Code Effect
HURRIKANE Unlock All Lightsaber Crystals (will remove all lightsaber Holocrons on the current saved game file)
OSSUS Unlock All Databank Entries
JOCASTA Unlock All Talents
MOLDYCROW Unlock All Combos

Why is Starkiller Lightsaber blue?

Subject 1138 “Starkiller” received his lightsabers from Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who trained the original Starkiller. Afterward, he altered the color of the blades to blue when the Jedi General Rahm Kota presented him with two crystals—relics of the Clone Wars—to replace Starkiller’s synthetic ones.

Where are all the lightsaber crystals in force unleashed?

PS2, PSP and Wii

Location Color Crystal Combat Crystal
Kashyyyk (Starkiller) Red 3. Orange 2. Dragite (Enhance damage your blows deal with the lightsaber).
Felucia (2nd visit) Green 1. Firkrann (Enhance Force Lightnign ability).
Raxus Prime (2nd visit) Blue 3. Red 1. Damind (Enhance Lightsaber strength).
Cloud City Blue 1.

Will there be a force unleashed 3?

According to one insider, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3 is currently in development, meaning the franchise may soon make a return. As of right now, Star Wars games seem to be doing better than ever.

How do you unlock Darth Maul in force unleashed?

Enter TK421 as a code to unlock Classic stormtrooper. Enter SERENNO as a code to unlock Count Dooku. Enter PAUAN as a code to unlock Darth Desolous. Enter ZABRAK as a code to unlock Darth Maul.

Is Ultrasabers better than Saberforge?

The main difference between the two brands is that whilst Saberforge is better for collectors due to their attention to detail, whilst Ultrasabers are more practical. This means that if you want to actually use your saber, then go with Ultrasaber.

What is the cheat code for Star Wars The Force Unleashed?

Where can I get cheat codes for Star Wars Force Unleashed 2?

Get the latest Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). has all you need to win every game you play!

What are the codes for the Force Unleashed?

Then, enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding bonus: Enter ” LIBO ” as a code to unlock the Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing). Enter ” SOLARI ” as a code to unlock the White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom), which grants more Force Points for enemy kills. Enter ” MAREK ” as a code to unlock Force Repulse.

How to save Star Wars The Force Unleashed?

The game cannot be saved when non-costume codes are enabled. To bypass this, enable the code on a level that has an auto-save point. After reaching that location, intentionally die or press Start. Exit to the main menu then select “Continue”. You can now manually save the game with that code still active. Contributed By: Tsuruke.

Where do you get force points in Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2?

If you upgrade all of your force powers to the max, you unlock unlimited Force points. We have no easter eggs for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them. On the first level, at the place where you run away from the gun ship, you get Force points when you stop running and die.