
How do you start a 54 day rosary novena?

How do you start a 54 day rosary novena?

Opening prayer Hail, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, my Mother Mary, hail! At thy feet I humbly kneel to offer thee a Crown of Roses, snow white buds to remind thee of thy joys, each bud recalling to thee a holy mystery, each 10 bound together with my petition for a particular grace.

How do you pray the rosary novena?

How to Pray the Rosary

  1. On the crucifix, make the sign of the cross and then pray the Apostles’ Creed.
  2. On the next large bead, say the Our Father.
  3. On the following three small beads, pray three Hail Marys.
  4. On the chain, pray the Glory Be.
  5. On the large bead, meditate on the first mystery and pray the Our Father.

Does the 54 day novena include the Luminous Mysteries?

Lacey’s Rosary Novenas to Our Lady: Including the Mysteries of Light is an updated version for Catholics who are praying the 54 day Rosary Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is definitely going to be a good one because it includes the Luminous Mystery that was instituted by Saint John Paul II back in 2002.

How do you pray the miracle rosary?


  1. The Greatest Commandment. “Sweet Jesus, I love you with all my heart and all my soul, Help me to serve my family, and everyone else I meet today.”
  2. The Great Commission. “Oh my lord, I know that you are always with me, help me to obey your commandments.
  3. The Jesus Prayer.

How many days is the 54 Day rosary novena?

54-Day Rosary Novena. Traditionally a novena is nine days. Thus, Our Lady’s words to young Fortuna — make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary in petition, and three novenas in thanksgiving. The novena consists of five decades of the Rosary (one set of mysteries) each day for twenty-seven days in petition;

How many days do you have to pray the Rosary?

So began six novenas of Rosaries — which became known as the 54-day Rosary Novena. To do the novena properly, one must pray the Rosary for 54 consecutive days, without missing a day, and must pray the particular Mystery indicated for that day following the correct sequence.

Who is the author of the 54 Day rosary?

Bl. Bartolo Longo spent the rest of his life, beginning in the city of Pompeii, spreading devotion to the Rosary, especially the 54-Day Rosary Novena. He built the Basilica of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Pompeii, composed novenas, and wrote books about the Rosary.

When was the Rosary Novena to Our Lady written?

54 Day Miracle Rosary Novena to Our Lady © Copyright 2007 – 2020 Web Version written by Prayerflowers