
How do you put in cheat codes for Pokemon heart gold?

How do you put in cheat codes for Pokemon heart gold?

To enter cheats in HeartGold, you’ll need an Action Replay device. Or if you are playing on an emulator, you can just enter your chosen code in it’s cheats menu. You find loads of top codes that are probably not anywhere else.

What is Action Replay HeartGold?

Pokemon HeartGold, released in 2009 is enhanced remove of the popular Pokemon Gold. Pokemon Heart Gold cheats are entered using the Action Replay device which you’ll need if you want to use the cheats if you are playing with the original version of the game.

How do you enter cheat codes on a DSI?

Load a game into the Nintendo DS and power on the system. Enter the cheat code using the buttons on the Nintendo DS. The code may call for you to use the system’s D-pad, directional arrows or letter buttons to activate the code. Start the game after entering the cheat code.

Are action replays illegal?

The Action Replay is a hexadecimal-based cheating device brand made by Datel that is used for games and systems of all kinds. It is not licensed or endorsed by any game or console manufacturer.

How do you get arceus in HeartGold?

You can purchase an Action Replay that works with your physical Nintendo DS system, or you can use an emulator with built-in Action Replay support like DeSmuME. Add the code to get the Arceus. Specifically, this is the “Toys R’ Us Event” Arceus, which can be used to trigger the special event in HeartGold or SoulSilver.

What are Action Replay codes?

Action Replay Codes. An Action Replay is a cheating device cartridge which you can purchase from sites such as ebay (as they are old now and probably only available second hand) which allow you to enter in various codes for a range of different enhancements or cheats in your game.

What is the Action Replay code for Pokemon Black?

Pokémon Black Version Action Replay Codes Game ID: IRBJ-B39DB08A (DS) Japan Master North American / European Game ID (DS) North America Master Maximum Cash (DS) North America Catch Other Trainer’s Pokemon (DS) North America Walk Through Walls (DS) North America All Medicine Items x900!!! (DS) North America Complete Pokédex (DS) North America

What is an Action Replay DSi?

Action Replay DSi. The Action Replay is a hexadecimal-based cheating device brand made by Datel that is used for games and systems of all kinds.