How do you get Tonberry King to appear?
How do you get Tonberry King to appear?
Tonberry King is an optional boss in Final Fantasy VIII. He is encountered by defeating a high number of Tonberry enemies in the Centra Ruins. After enough Tonberries have been defeated, the Tonberry King appears to avenge them.
Can you card Tonberry?
The Tonberry monster has a 3.5% chance to drop the card. Using the Card command on a Tonberry has a 93.7% chance to procure a Tonberry card when it succeeds.
Where can I find Tonberry in FF8?
The Tonberry is an enemy in Final Fantasy VIII encountered in the Centra Ruins and in Ultimecia Castle. After defeating approximately 18–24 Tonberries (random, determined on each new game), a battle against the Tonberry King can initiate in the Centra Ruins. Defeating the King will grant the player the Tonberry GF.
How do you get a Tonberry king girlfriend?
To obtain the Tonberry King GF what you’re going to want to do is defeat around 20 Tonberry enemies in Centra Ruins. The exact number is random but it’s between 18 and 24. Each of the Tonberry enemies have about 20,000 HP so defeating them isn’t going to be easy if you don’t have good Junctions.
When does the Tonberry King appear in Final Fantasy?
Once the Tonberry dies, the King may appear if the player has killed enough Tonberries: in 0236 one must have killed at least 20 Tonberries, and in 0237, one must have killed at least 50. Meeting this minimum threshold, and being in the right Scene, triggers the King’s appearance every time.
How many tonberrys do you need to kill Tonberry King?
Every time you “fail” the Odin quest after 20:00 minutes you will get kicked out of the Centra Ruins. In order to make the Tonberry King appear you will need to kill 20 regular Tonberrys. Each Tonberry has around 20,000 HP so it takes quite a lot of firepower to bring one down.
What’s the best way to play Tonberry King?
Demi works well, as will Diablos (if you leveled him, not so much if not). You can also leave your HP low and spam limit breaks – Squall, Zell and Irvine all work wonders, especially if Squall has his Lionheart. Just for comparison, a low-level party junctioned with Str+60% and Tornado junctioned to Strength could boast around 120~ Strength.
How much HP does Tonberry King have at Level 10?
At level 10 he’ll have a mere 25,000 HP, which is a bit, but only roughly 50% more than your average Tonberry. A low level party with good magics junctioned and easily dispatch him with a few limit breaks.