
How do you disable a swing button?

How do you disable a swing button?

You can add a simple ActionListener like this: JButton startButton = new JButton(“Start”); startButton. addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { startButton. setEnabled(false); stopButton.

How do I stop JFrame from resizing?

Making a Frame Non-Resizable: use setResizable(false) to freeze a frame’s size. : JFrame Window « Swing « Java Tutorial

  1. Java Tutorial.
  2. Swing.
  3. JFrame Window.

Why we use maximize button?

The Maximize button, which looks like a small window, is used to enlarge a window to cover the entire desktop. After a window is maximized, the Maximize button changes to the Restore button. If you click the Restore button, the maximized window shrinks to its previous size (the size it was before you maximized it).

How to remove maximize and minimize buttons in Java?

Using setResizable (false) will remove the maximize button only, at the cost of not being able to resize the window. Lastly, as mentioned by trashgod, the setUndecorated (true) method will disable the frame decorations, removing the title bar and window edges.

How can I remove just the maximize button from a JFrame?

Go to JFrame’s property and set resizeable unchecked. change type property to utility. It will only show the close button. There is described how to implement a “JFrame” without maximize and minimize buttons. You need just “incapsulate” a JFrame in JDialog :

How to disable javax.swing.jbutton in javax?

In the “ActionPeformed” method of “start” button, after calling the above two statements, I am executing a “SwingWorker” thread. Is this thread creating any problem? You need that code to be in the actionPerformed (…) of the ActionListener registered with the Start button, not for the Start button itself.

How to enable and disable buttons in Java?

Here we use disableElementItem for enable or disable buttons and Import BorderLayout for creating effective frame. JToolBar allows us to manage all the elements in a group especially buttons with icons in a row or column. JMenuBar class is used to show menu on window or in frame of JFrame. It may have several menus.