
How do I write a Biosketch personal statement?

How do I write a Biosketch personal statement?


  1. Tailor the Personal Statement to the application.
  2. In the first sentence, mention the name of the grant application (e.g., R21) and speak directly to the purpose of the funding mechanism.
  3. Use the Personal Statement to discuss your future research direction if you are a new investigator.

How do you write a Biosketch example?

Tips for Writing a Biographical Sketch (With Examples)

  1. Remember Your Purpose. Biographical sketches usually provide an account of a person’s life and include core information.
  2. Be Concise.
  3. Highlight Achievements and Influences.
  4. Arrange Your Information.
  5. Verify Your Information.

What is a personal Biosketch?

Through the Biosketch, investigators have the opportunity to showcase their suitability to serve as a principal investigator or co-investigator on a competitive research grant. The Personal Statement section provides important information that enables reviewers to assess your strengths and potential for success.

What is a Biosketch template?

Biographical Sketches (Biosketches) are used to describe an individual’s qualifications and experiences for a specific role in the project. Most federal agencies require a biosketch and some state and private funding agencies.

How do you mention publication in a personal statement?

I would suggest a two-fold approach:

  1. A list of all publications in your CV, in usual bibliographical style.
  2. A list of relevant publications, with a short comment on each, the affiliation under which it was published, and the connection it has to the studies you now wish to undertake, within the statement of purpose.

How do I make my personal statement stand out?

Make your personal statement personal and you will stand out to the reader.

  1. Create two lists.
  2. Thoroughly research your subject choice.
  3. Promote the knowledge you already have and why you would fit in.
  4. Show how capable you are.
  5. Be original.
  6. Don’t use unsupported clichés.
  7. Ask for feedback.

What is a Biosketch vs CV?

Biosketches are different from resumés or “curriculum vitae,” which are both more detailed descriptions of your work history and professional accomplishments, with dates and locations and other specifics. People in psychology and related fields say “cv” more than resumé, and cvs are usually much longer.

Why is the personal statement important in the NIH biosketch?

The Personal Statement section provides important information that enables reviewers to assess your strengths and potential for success. This section in the Biosketch is not one-size-fits-all, but should describe an investigator’s experiences and skills related to their role in the proposed research.

Where can I find a biosketch format page?

Biosketches are required in both competing applications and progress reports. Find instructions, blank format pages, and sample biosketches below. Try SciENcv, a tool supporting multiple research agencies, to help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements.

How to format a biosketch for a grant?

Find instructions, blank format pages, and sample biosketches below. Try SciENcv, a tool supporting multiple research agencies, to help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements. Prepare biographical sketches for applications and progress reports for non-fellowship applications and awards.

What are the different types of professional biosketches?

Professional biosketches are just one of several different types of personal descriptions that you might come across in human and social services: In addition to biosketches, there are also resumés, “ curriculum vitae ” (usually shortened to “cv”), and reflexivity statements (also called in positionality statements).