
How do I use the Web Viewer in App Inventor 2?

How do I use the Web Viewer in App Inventor 2?

App Inventor has a component called WebViewer. We can load a webpage/website into an app using WebViewer component. To do that, we can just drag the WebViewer component to Screen1 window and set the HomeUrl property of the WebViewer to the webpage we want to view when the app boots up.

What is viewer in App Inventor?

The Viewer is where you drag out the components (see Figure 3.11). It provides a view of what you have built into the app, with a modest expectation of how it might look. Figure 3.11 The Viewer is the mock Android screen where you drag components.

What is the use of the WebViewer component?

Android WebView is a system component for the Android operating system (OS) that allows Android apps to display content from the web directly inside an application.

How do I load a website into App Inventor?

App Inventor has a component called WebViewer. We can load a webpage/website into an app using WebViewer component. To do that, we can just drag the WebViewer component to Screen1 window and set the HomeUrl property of the WebViewer to the webpage we want to view when the app boots up.

Is the App Inventor web viewer multi touch?

App Inventor itself does not offer multi touch, see also issue 203, but the web viewer can do multi touch (at least this worked with an Android 3.2 device, with a HTC Desire running Android 2.2 it did not run).

How to create WebView JavaScript processor for App Inventor?

Once the javascriptWebViewProcessor.htmlhas been created, make a new App Inventor app called SimpleWebviewerJavascriptProcessor, and upload the HTML file as an app media asset. Add a HorizontalArrangement with a: TextBoxnamed StringToBeProcessedByJavascriptFile Buttonnamed btnProcess Also, using the default names and properties for each, add a:

What are the functions of the App Inventor?

It includes two special App Inventor Only functions, window.AppInventor.getWebViewString () and window.AppInventor.setWebViewString (). It is these two, App Inventor Only functions that allow your apps to communicate with the javascript that runs inside the WebViewer component.