
How do I comment in JSF?

How do I comment in JSF?

There are two ways to comment out JSF tag :

  1. facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS. In web. xml, set “facelets. SKIP_COMMENTS” parameter to “true“.
  2. ui:remove. Alternatively, you can use the “ui:remove” tag to define the content you want to remove. For example, JSF

How do I put comments in HTML?

To write HTML comments put — and —> at either end of the comment. HTML comments are notes to keep HTML code organized and are ignored by the browser.

What is comment tag in HTML?

The HTML comment tag is used to add text to an HTML document without including that text in the Web page. When used in an ION Script page, HTML comment tags and the content they enclose are passed unchanged directly to the browser.

How do you comment out a line in HTML?

To comment out in HTML, insert information between — and –> tags (browsers won’t show these notes). Commenting in HTML allows developers to leave notes about their code, its functionality or to indicate necessary changes for the future.

How do I comment in xhtml?

Comments are placed inside — –> in XHTML MP. This is the same as HTML and WML 1.

How do you comment in CSS?

How to Comment in CSS. To comment in CSS, simply place your plain text inside /* */ marks. This tells the browser that they are notes and should not be rendered on the front end.

How do I comment in JSON?

JSON does not support comments. It was also never intended to be used for configuration files where comments would be needed. Hjson is a configuration file format for humans.

How do I comment on a photo?


  1. Navigate to the project’s Photos tool.
  2. Click the photo you want to add a comment to.
  3. Click the information (i) icon if it is not already selected.
  4. Expand the ‘Comments’ section at the bottom of the Information section.
  5. Enter your comment in the text box that appears.
  6. Click the Send arrow icon.

What is the comment tag?

Definition and Usage. The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date.

How do I comment out code?

You can comment out one or more lines of code in any C/C++ editor view. The leading characters // are added to the beginning of each line when commenting one or more lines of code. You can also block comment multiple lines of code using the characters /* */ .

How do I comment in node JS?

The first way is the single-line comment by using two forward slashes ( // ).

How do you comment a script tag?

The comment ends with a “//–>”. Here “//” signifies a comment in JavaScript, so we add that to prevent a browser from reading the end of the HTML comment as a piece of JavaScript code.

How do I add a comment in HTML?

To add comments to a page in the HTML Editor , go to Insert > Comment. Then, just enter the comment text in the provided field. When you’re done, click OK.

What is a comment line in HTML?

HTML comment one line and multiple lines is a piece of code which is ignored by any web browser. You can add comment text into your HTML code, especially in complex documents, to give some explanations to the html document. Comments help you and others to understand your code.

What is a comment box in HTML?

Example Comment Box Code: The following comment box code consists of a form containing a small textarea (the comment box) and an input field (the submit button).

  • Send Email from your Comment Box! You can use your comment box to create a feedback form that sends you an email every time someone clicks the submit button.
  • Further Details.
  • 3.