
How do I cancel my subscription to VirtualDJ?

How do I cancel my subscription to VirtualDJ?

You can cancel your Premium Membership subscription at any time by going to your user profile page. Make sure that you are logged into the VirtualDJ website and then click on the Modify my profile button. Then click on the CANCEL MEMBERSHIP button.

Who owns VirtualDJ?

Stephane Clavel
Atomix Productions was founded by visionary businessman and software developer Stephane Clavel. Mr Clavel is still today the owner of the company, and still actively writes code for VirtualDJ, switching hats between mad coder and successful businessman, and liking both with the same passion (and success).

Do you have to pay for VirtualDJ?

If you are not using it professionally, and do not use any professional equipment like a DJ controller, or a DJ mixer, then VirtualDJ is FREE.

What can you do with VirtualDJ DJ software?

Keep your options open and your gear fully under your control with VirtualDJ! VirtualDJ lets you stream tracks from our partner catalogs directly within the software. Play anything from the millions of songs available, discover new tracks from tailored charts, and create your own playlists with ease.

Where can I find a DJ for a party?

Use the links below to begin your search! With hundreds of DJs available for events throughout all of the U.S. & Canada, The Bash is the place to book a DJ for a party. DJ services are available for parties, weddings, public events and more. Since 1997, The Bash has made booking DJs easy.

Where can I hire a disc jockey in Vietnam?

From residencies at the prestigious Martini Bar in the Grand Park Hyatt, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam and Altitude Sky Bar in the Nha Trang, Vietnam Sheraton penthouse level, to stadiums and festivals around the globe, Justin has been behind the decks! Over the years, he has developed into a triple threat… (more)

Why do you need stem separation in VirtualDJ?

Mix and remix songs live on the fly. Put vocals from one song over the beats from another song and explore new ways of mixing your tracks previously not possible. Stem separation right on the EQs allows the DJ to transition seamlessly in whole new ways, allowing the DJ to fine-tune different elements of the songs live in the mix.