How are seigniorage fees calculated?
How are seigniorage fees calculated?
calculation of seigniorage charges = Total Sand Quantity in Cum X 46 % X Rs 50/- + Total Coarse Aggregate Quantity in Cum X 92 % X RS 75.
What is seigniorage mining fee?
Definition: Seigniorage is the difference between the value of currency/money and the cost of producing it. It is essentially the profit earned by the government by printing currency. If the cost involved in its production crosses its value, then the government suffers a loss.
What do I need to know about seigniorage fees?
Mines and Minerals – Revision of Rates of Seigniorage Fee and Dead Rent – Amendment Orders – Issued. Mines and Minerals – Revision of Rates of Seigniorage Fee and Dead Rent – Orders – Issued.
How is the regulation of Mines and quarries?
MINES & Quarries – Regulation of (31) Major Minerals declared through notification by the Central Government as Minor Minerals – Rates of Seigniorage Fee and Dead Rent – Notification – Orders – Issued. Mines and Minerals – Revision of Rates of Seigniorage Fee and Dead Rent – Amendment Orders – Issued.
When does Bihar minor Mineral Rules, 2017 come into force?
1. Short Title, Extent and Commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Bihar Minor Mineral Rules, 2017. (2) It shall extend to the whole State of Bihar. (3) It shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definition. – (1) In these Rules, unless otherwise required in the context-
Is the seigniorage fee a valid Levy in India?
The seigniorage fee is undoubtedly a valid levy under both the Constitutional paradigm and delegated legislation. However, when it comes to implementation, there is a need to maintain a common measure to avoid the aforementioned confusion and injustice caused to subsequent consumers at times who purchase in bulk.