
How accurate is Marco Polo on Netflix?

How accurate is Marco Polo on Netflix?

But according to Mongolian historians, much of the plot plays fast and loose with the facts. Batsukh Otgonsereenen, who spent 10 years researching his book The History of Kublai Khan, told AFP: “From a historical standpoint 20 percent of the film was actual history and 80 percent fiction.”

Why was Marco Polo Cancelled?

After suffering a huge loss, Netflix announced on December 12, 2016 that it would cancel the third season of “Marco Polo” for approximately US$200 million. The decision was made with the understanding and permission of Weinstein, the producer of the series.

How much did Netflix pay for Marco Polo?

A very expensive series, even for Netflix When Marco Polo was in production, people who were involved with it seemed to be proud about how much it cost, as though that would guarantee its success. Filming the show was reported to cost a jaw-dropping $9 million per episode.

Did Marco Polo meet Genghis Khan?

According to The Travels of Marco Polo, they passed through much of Asia, and met with Kublai Khan, a Mongol ruler and founder of the Yuan dynasty. Almost nothing is known about the childhood of Marco Polo until he was fifteen years old, except that he probably spent part of his childhood in Venice.

Did Ahmad sleep with his mother?

It turns out this was true — until Ahmad found out what happened to his mother. Things take a turn for the creepy when she starts to hum Ahmad’s mother’s lullaby. Yes, Ahmad slept with his mother. And then, he murdered her.

Are Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan related?

Kublai Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in 13th-century China. He was the first Mongol to rule over China when he conquered the Song Dynasty of southern China in 1279.

Is the show Marco Polo good or bad?

Tommy’s MARCO POLO review: Netflix’s dreadful MARCO POLO joins the long line of shows about a different culture seen through the safe veneer of whiteness.

Is the TV series Marco Polo still on Netflix?

On December 12, 2016, Netflix announced they had canceled Marco Polo after two seasons. Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that the series’ two seasons resulted in a $200 million loss for Netflix, and the decision to cancel the series was jointly taken by Netflix and The Weinstein Company.

Is there going to be a second season of Marco Polo?

On January 7, 2015, Marco Polo was renewed by Netflix for a 10-episode second season, which premiered on July 1, 2016. On December 12, 2016, Netflix announced that they had canceled Marco Polo after two seasons.

Who is the main actor in Marco Polo?

I say most, only because of a few bland acting performances scattered scarcely across the show, mostly by the main actor playing Marco Polo. This however, did not affect my enjoyment of the show, since it excels in so many other respects.