
Do you have your period for 9 months after pregnancy?

Do you have your period for 9 months after pregnancy?

Your period will typically return about six to eight weeks after you give birth, if you aren’t breastfeeding. If you do breastfeed, the timing for a period to return can vary. Those who practice exclusive breastfeeding might not have a period the entire time they breastfeed.

Is first period after baby worse?

Some women experience heavier, longer or more painful periods after having a baby. These changes may relate to a larger uterine cavity causing more endometrium (mucous lining the uterus) to shed. For some women, however, their periods improve.

Do periods change after having a baby?

It is common for a woman’s period to change after having a baby. Some women experience heavier or more painful periods, while others find that their periods become easier. In the months after giving birth, periods may be irregular but may return to normal over time.

When do periods return after childbirth?

Your period returning Most breastfeeding mothers’ periods do not return for at least 6 months after the birth. Some find that their periods do not return until after they have stopped breastfeeding. Mothers who do not exclusively breastfeed usually find their periods returns within 2 months.

Why is first period after baby so heavy?

Brace yourself…the first period after giving birth is typically heavier than normal because there is extra blood in your uterine lining that needs to be shed. You may enjoy easier periods due to physical changes in the uterus and cervix, although some women experience stronger cramps.

When do breastfeeding moms get period?

Most breastfeeding mothers will resume their periods between 9 and 18 months after their baby’s birth. Weaning your baby will almost certainly cause your menstrual cycle to return, but most people find that they do not need to wean in order for their cycle to gradually resume.

Does period pain reduced after pregnancy?

Sooner or later after childbirth and breastfeeding, your menstrual cycle will resume. But here’s a welcome side effect: You may have fewer bothersome cramps. Some women even find that menstrual pain ceases altogether after pregnancy and childbirth.

How much bleeding is normal for first period after birth?

Whether you had a C-section or delivered vaginally, you will have bleeding for six to eight weeks after giving birth. However, this is not considered menstruation. It is called lochia. In the beginning, your lochia will be deep red, and you may pass a few blood clots.

Can you use tampons on first period after birth?

You should not use tampons until you’ve had your 6-week postnatal check. This is because you’ll still have a wound where the placenta joined with the wall of your womb, and you may also have tears or cuts in or around your vagina.

Can I get pregnant 2 weeks after giving birth?

It’s possible to get pregnant before you even have your first postpartum period, which can occur as early as four weeks after giving birth or as late as 24 weeks after baby arrives (or later), depending on whether you’re breastfeeding exclusively or not.

When do you get your first period after having a baby?

As a general guideline, you can expect your first period after pregnancy: 7 or 8 months, or even longer, after you give birth if you’re breastfeeding exclusively – some women don’t start having periods again until they stop nursing. The main factors that affect how soon you’ll start getting periods again after giving birth are whether you’re

Is it normal to have no period during pregnancy?

While you most likely enjoyed the nice break from your period during pregnancy, now that baby has arrived, your monthly visitor will soon be returning. Here’s what you need to know. One of the peculiar perks of pregnancy is nine-plus months of no period.

Is it normal to have a period after breastfeeding?

During your first postpartum year, it can be normal for your periods to fluctuate in length, time between cycles, and intensity of bleeding. This is especially true if you’re breastfeeding. According to the Cleveland Clinic, most postpartum women will have a “normal” menstrual cycle of 21 to 35 days with bleeding that lasts 2 to 7 days.

When does your period come back after nursing?

The less often your baby nurses, the sooner your period will likely come back. If your baby sleeps through the night from an early age, or if you’re supplementing with formula, it’s likely your period will return sooner than it would if you were exclusively and frequently breastfeeding.