
Do OS maps cover Northern Ireland?

Do OS maps cover Northern Ireland?

The Ordnance Survey Maps offer a wide selection of scales and areas covered. These maps cover all of Northern Ireland. These maps are ideally used for activities such as Walking, Cycling, Horse Riding and Driving.

What is the largest scale OS map?

The main scales used by Ordnance Survey (OS) for surveying are 1:1250, 1:2500 and 1:10 000. These are referred to as large scale maps, which is when features in the real world are portrayed larger on the map. OS also produce a number of mapping products at other scales, such as 1:25 000 scale and 1:50 000 scale.

How many OS maps are there for the UK?

403 maps
Every part of England, Scotland and Wales is covered by 403 maps specially designed for walkers, off-road cyclists, horse riders and all involved in outdoor activities.

What is the difference between OS Explorer and Landranger maps?

OS Landranger Displaying roads, tourist features, footpaths, and rights of way. Landranger covers a larger area than Explorer but with less detail.

Is there an Ordnance Survey app?

OS Maps is available in both a web version and an app which is available on the Google Play Store for Android and The App Store for Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices.

How accurate are OS Maps?

Whilst the Ordnance Survey data is very useful for large scale mapping and navigation purposes, it has limitations due to its nature and it is not likely to be accurate enough for any development purposes. A measured land survey at a scale of 1:200 should be accurate to + / – 5 cm.

Which OS map is best for walkers?

Ordnance Survey
The best and most comprehensive maps of Britain for walkers are Ordnance Survey (OS) Explorer maps at a scale of 1:25 000.

Is ViewRanger better than OS Maps?

OS Maps only permits you to either follow a route or record a route you cannot do both at the same time unless you use two devices. ViewRanger allows you to record and follow a track simultaneously – great if you deviate from your intended route and want to preserve it for the future.

Which is the largest scale of OS mapping?

OS Landplan Plots can be produced on paper or film, with or without contours, in colour or monochrome, and at scales of 1:5000 or 1:10 000. The largest scale of Ordnance Survey mapping showing contours – provides an excellent overview of the lie of the land. Site-centering and customised plot options so you can embrace your entire area of interest.

Are there any maps from the Ordnance Survey?

We have a comprehensive collection of Ordnance Survey maps, as well as Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) and Ordnance Survey of Ireland Maps (OSI).

Are there any OS plans for Northern Ireland?

Large-scale OS plans are also available for Northern Ireland and Eire. The Maps Reading room has a rapid copy service tailored to the needs of site researchers. For Ordnance Survey maps in copyright, i.e. published less than 50 years ago, one A4 from each tile or sheet can be supplied without permission from the Ordnance Survey.

What is the scale of the OS sitemap?

OS Sitemap provides a detailed and seamless view of topography of Great Britain, surveyed at one of three basis scales: 1:1250, 1:2500 and 1:10 000. OS Landplan Plots is the map of choice for site location, farm or estate management, and identifying land use at 1:10 000 scale.