
Can you get a good workout with a bike trainer?

Can you get a good workout with a bike trainer?

Bottom Line: An indoor trainer can provide an excellent workout, especially for short, high-intensity sessions—as long as you’re willing to put in a high level of effort. You may not want to axe the trainer altogether come spring, either.

Is interval training on a bike good?

Even 20- to 30-second micro-intervals have been shown to increase V02 max, burn fat, and improve endurance. And they work fast. “Just two weeks of interval training can enhance your performance,” says Paul Laursen, Ph. D., an endurance coach and sport scientist.

How do you do interval training on a bike?


  1. Short sprint intervals (5–120 seconds), rest 6+ minutes between (e.g. 60-minute ride with 6 x 10-second sprints every 8 minutes)
  2. Medium duration hill intervals (2–7 minutes), rest 1–2 times longer than the work interval (e.g. 4 x 4 minutes with 4-minute recovery)

How often should I do interval training cycling?

Two HIIT workouts in a week is plenty for new cyclists. Three per week is a sweet spot for most time-crunched cyclists. And four in a week (not every week) is manageable – sometimes – for advanced athletes.

Is Zwift harder than outdoor?

Originally I found it harder than outdoor riding but with the UK winter all of my workouts were on Zwift, no going back on the road is a lot harder. Combine all of what everyone else has said, you have significantly less movement overall on your body.

Is cycling 3 times a week enough?

To keep progressing and improving your fitness, you ideally need to be riding your bike every two-three days, even if it’s just a turbo trainer workout. The minimum you can get away with and still see significant fitness gains is three rides a week.

Is 1 hour cycling a day good?

Cycling one hour a day for weight loss is an excellent way to boost weight loss. A 180-pound individual cycling for an hour at a moderate intensity burns about 650 calories. If you ride six days a week for a year, you will burn about 202,800 calories, which translates to about 58 pounds of body fat!

Is 15 minutes of cycling a day enough?

Cycling is a great cardiovascular choice for anyone who doesn’t want to go running. It’s both high-intensity and low-impact, so it’s suitable both as a HIT workout and for more moderate sessions. Several studies suggest that cycling for 15 to 20 minutes each day can be beneficial for heart health.

Do you change gears on a smart trainer?

If you have a controllable smart trainer (one with resistance) then you can use gears. No need to change gear here, Zwift tells the trainer what the resistance should be at any given moment, you just have to keep those pedals spinning.

How often should I cycle to get fit?

The reason is after being inactive the whole week without cycling, your body will start to retreat and lose some of the fitness gains you have made. In order to improve and promote your fitness, you should be cycling every 2-3 days per week. That’s the minimum amount of riding you need to do to see significant gains.

What exercise intensity is best for your workout?

Aerobic activity. Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity – such as brisk walking, swimming or mowing the lawn – or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity – such as running or aerobic dancing. You can also do a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. It’s best to do this over the course of a week. Aug 6 2019

What is interval cycling training?

Interval training is designed to get you at your peak levels of speed, strength and stamina as quickly as possible by making use of special exercises that focus on a particular area of your riding. As such, it is always best to conduct interval training on a bike that you feel comfortable on and in optimal conditions for riding.

Are HIIT workouts effective?

HIIT is extremely effective, but it can place a tremendous amount of stress on the body. Therefore, it should only be performed two to three times a week with at least 48 hours between exercise sessions to allow a full replenishment of energy stores and to repair of involved muscle tissue.