
Can aluminum foil be used as a radiant barrier?

Can aluminum foil be used as a radiant barrier?

Aluminum foil has the radiant barrier properties of high reflectivity and low emissivity. That means the foil reflects much of the roof’s heat back upward. You can usually purchase the radiant barrier foil in 4- or 5-foot-wide rolls. You just staple it up under the rafters.

Does reflective foil insulation work?

Some studies show that radiant barriers can reduce cooling costs 5% to 10% when used in a warm, sunny climate. The reduced heat gain may even allow for a smaller air conditioning system. In cool climates, however, it’s usually more cost-effective to install more thermal insulation than to add a radiant barrier.

What kind of radiant barrier is aluminum foil?

Oriented strand board (OSB), with a thin layer of low emitting aluminum foil attached to one side, is a common type of thermal-radiant-barrier sheathing. Foil-backed OSB is applied mostly in attics; however, it is also used in wall systems.

Which is the best brand of radiant barrier?

The top-selling product within Radiant Barrier is the Battic Door Energy Conservation Products 3 ft. x 4 ft. Whole House Fan Seal Radiant Barrier with Hook and Loop Attachment. Which brand has the largest assortment of Radiant Barrier at The Home Depot?

How does radiant barrier affect efficiency of insulation?

A copy of a thorough 2010 study by the Canadian National Institute for Research in Construction is also attached. Their conclusion: In a perfect state (with no dust on the surface), a radiant barrier with an air gap increased the efficiency of insulation in a wall by 10%.

When to use foil backed OSB in Attic?

Foil-backed OSB is applied mostly in attics; however, it is also used in wall systems. The goal of a foil-backed OSB is to cool the air within the top layer of insulation in the attic or wall by emitting the radiant heat absorbed through the roof or exterior walls, which reduces the Delta-T and lessens the overall energy use in a building.