
Are there any classic project cars for sale?

Are there any classic project cars for sale?

Project Cars for Sale – 1960s & 1970s Classic Muscle Cars. 1950s Classic Chevys & Classic 1980s Cars for sale. Financing – No Credit Check! Cars paid off, but not picked up, will be resold. Cars recently paid off have up to 2 months from last scheduled payment to be picked up.

Is it possible to build a project car?

But the dream of having a project car lives on, regardless. And for those lucky few who are able to take one on, either hoping to perform a restoration to cherry condition or start up a major tuning and modding build, keep scrolling for 23 great cars that are made to be modified and represent the perfect introduction into the project car lifestyle.

Is there a 1972 Plymouth Cuda project car for sale?

1972 Plymouth 340 Cuda Project Car For Sale Click here to READ MORE Seller Says, ” Original California car with minimum rust. Needs complete restoration. Lots of original parts “ For more pictures, info, and price.. Click Here to check out the full listing for the car on eBay!

What does Circe 3.0 do for classics teachers?

The CIRCE 3.0 project supports Classics teachers who want to teach creatively using internet technology. CIRCE aims to equip them with the knowledge and the materials they need by developing a website of ideas and resources together with in-service training courses and other professionalization activities.

What do you need to know about the Circe website?

CIRCE aims to equip them with the knowledge and the materials they need by developing a website of ideas and resources together with in-service training courses and other professionalization activities. On this website you will find a variety of materials. These include:

When did Circe 3.0 come out in Europe?

CIRCE 3.0 is the long awaited follow-up to the very successful European CIRCE project funded under the Socrates Comenius Programme with its consecutive yearly European in-service training courses from 2006 to 2013 in different European countries in classical locations such as Rome, Oxford, Barcelona and Aquileia (IT).