
Are there any bus services from Edinburgh to Lothian?

Are there any bus services from Edinburgh to Lothian?

We run four services connecting the City Centre, North Edinburgh and West Edinburgh with the airport. We have a range of services throughout Queensferry and West Lothian. Services linking East Lothian with Edinburgh. Our network for East Lothian, North Berwick and Dunbar. Regular night services to and from East Lothian.

When was the last bus in Lothian?

Drum Brae South 2838 584808 18 1833 — 1840 1848 1857 — 1907 — 1925 — 1945 — Maybury 31 514101 11 21 1836 — 1843 1851 1900 — 1910 — 1928 — 1948 —

How do I buy Ridacards for Lothian Buses?

For new Advance Purchase Ridacards, loaded with a minimum of one week’s travel, please visit a TravelHub or email your name, date of birth, telephone number, postal address and a passport size photograph to [email protected]

How many buses run in Edinburgh city centre?

For those all important bus times, we have detailed timetables for every service across the network. We operate over 50 regular services with plenty of connections across the network. We run four services connecting the City Centre, North Edinburgh and West Edinburgh with the airport.

How many buses are on the Lothian Bus network?

It’s easy to select the bus you need or plan your journey with our interactive route maps. For those all important bus times, we have detailed timetables for every service across the network. We operate over 50 regular services with plenty of connections across the network.

Is there a bus from Edinburgh Airport to north Edinburgh?

Airport Buses– We run four services connecting the City Centre, North Edinburgh and West Edinburgh with the airport. NightBus– Our night buses run from midnight until the early hours to get you home. Lothian Country– This popular service connects communities around West Lothian seven days a week.