What does tosyl chloride and pyridine do? TsCl and MsCl: Two Reagents That Convert Hydroxyl Groups (OH) Into Good Leaving Groups. Treatment of an alcohol
What kind of coolant does a Ford Fiesta take? Ford recommends using Motorcraft Orange Antifreeze/Coolant Prediluted for the 2014 Fiesta. What kind of antifreeze does
What is a crenellated roof? Crenellation is a feature of defensive architecture, most typically found on the battlements of medieval castles. A battlement is a
Can you get banned for buying Mesos MapleStory? Nexon has done their first ban wave for people abusing the market, buying/selling mesos online. The link
What are scrip orders? The concept is simple: Schools purchase gift certificates, or scrip, from popular retailers at a discount, which the retailers are happy