Wat te doen tegen dikke enkels warm weer? Opgezwollen voeten en enkels voorkomen bij warm weer Knellende schoenen. Wanneer het lichaam warmte niet goed kwijt
How is gas exchanged in plants? Gaseous exchange in plants is achieved by stomata and lenticels. The epidermis has tiny pores called stomata (singular, stoma)
What is the alternation of generations in plants? Alternation of generations (also known as metagenesis or heterogenesis) is the type of life cycle that occurs
What is normal range of vitamin D in children? Treatment Age Level (deficiency) Maintenance/prevention in children with ongoing risk factors 3–12 months Mild 30–49 nmol/L
What is Advanced Excel VBA? Advanced VBA is a learner-friendly course that takes you through more powerful features, expanding the possibilities of what you can