Was the sixth king of Babylon? Hammurabi was the sixth king in the Babylonian dynasty, which ruled in central Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) from c. 1894
Can a music video be a documentary? Music videos use a wide range of styles and contemporary video-making techniques, including animation, live-action, documentary, and non-narrative
¿Cuáles fueron los primeros partidos políticos? Luego de la independencia, en los años 1840 surgen en la República de la Nueva Granada los dos partidos
Why are mass production techniques used? Mass production has many advantages, such as producing a high level of precision, lower costs from automation and fewer
Can you do imaginary numbers in Excel? The Microsoft Excel COMPLEX function converts coefficients (real and imaginary) into a complex number. The complex number can
¿Cuáles son los colores intermedios y cómo se obtienen? Un color intermedio es aquel que se obtiene mediante la mezcla de dos colores definidos. Usualmente
How do you change the background color in JavaScript? If you want change background color on button click, you should use JavaScript function and change