
Why are tree wells so dangerous?

Why are tree wells so dangerous?

Tree wells are dangerous because they are essentially hidden pockets of air that can cause injury from falling, and result in a skier being quickly surrounded by snow that blocks their airways.

What is a tree well on a ski hill?

Tree wells are deep pockets of loose snow found near the base of evergreen trees. Skiers and snowboarders who fall into the wells can often suffocate if help doesn’t come quickly.

What to do if you ski into a tree well?

Grab tree branches, grab the tree trunk, drop your feet below your head (if you can) and use your hands (if you can) to create a pocket of air near your nose and mouth. Do not struggle, this can create more snow to collapse on top of you. Do not panic (no, really, do not panic, breathe slowly).

How do you identify tree wells?

These voids can be hidden from view by the tree’s low hanging branches. There is no easy way to identify if a particular tree has a dangerous tree well by sight therefore, treat all tree wells as dangerous. In simple terms, a tree well is a hole or void in the deep snow, which is clearly marked by a tree.

Can a snowboarder fall into a tree well?

Tree wells are hard to spot, which can make them dangerous. Skiers and snowboarders can fall into the area and get covered in snow and suffocate, according to SnowBrains. The odds of surviving a “deep snow immersion” are low, according to the National Ski Areas Association.

What is a tree well in the snow?

A tree well is a void or area of loose snow around the trunk of a tree enveloped in deep snow. Also known as “spruce traps”, these voids present danger to hikers, snowshoers, skiers, and snowboarders who fall into them. A tree’s branches shelter its trunk from snowfall, allowing a void or area of loose snow to form.

What happens if you fall into a tree well while skiing?

Generally, a skier will tip head first into the hole created by the tree well. This means that your head and arms will be heading straight down into the hole and your skis will be the last thing above you. Loose snow will start to fall in around you as you tumble, packing you in against the tree or other snow in the hole.

Where was the snowboarder found dead in a well?

A 27-year-old snowboarder was found dead in a tree well at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Wyoming. A tree well is a pit of deep snow that forms near a tree trunk. Getty Images | Royalty Free