Why are PMS and early pregnancy symptoms so similar?
Why are PMS and early pregnancy symptoms so similar?
It’s a cruel reality that PMS and the early signs of pregnancy are nearly identical. The reason? You produce more progesterone the week after ovulation, whether or not you’re pregnant. Progesterone is the hormone responsible for many PMS symptoms, like bloating, breast tenderness, and mood swings.
Can pregnancy be confused with PMS?
Another sign of early pregnancy that can be confused with PMS or a regular period is cramping. During pregnancy, blood flow increases all over the body. Increased blood flow in the uterus can cause cramping.
What is the difference between PMS and pregnancy?
Pregnancy is usually associated with a missed period, whereas PMS has no such episode. PMS is rare to cause nausea, but pregnancy readily causes nausea and morning sickness. Of the breast symptoms, darkening of the areola around the breast and the enlargement of glands around the areola are present in pregnancy, but never in PMS.
Do no PMS symptoms mean I am pregnant?
Hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy can often lead to symptoms that are similar in some ways to PMS, including fatigue and nausea. If these symptoms occur, a lack of PMS is unlikely to be noticeable. Women who believe they may be pregnant should take a pregnancy test.
What are signs that you are getting your period soon?
Emotional and mental symptoms that might signal your period is coming soon include: Irritability. Moodiness. Short temper. Impulsiveness. Crying easily. Sadness.
What are the earliest signs of conception?
First Signs and Symptoms of Conception: The very first sign of what happens at conception may be a short, stabbing pain in your belly where your uterus is. This is from the embryo implanting into the lining. This implantation may also cause some slight bleeding/spotting, usually of some brown blood.