
Who makes ants in the pants?

Who makes ants in the pants?

Ants in the Pants is a game designed by insect-theme game designer William H. Schaper. The game was originally produced in 1969 by Schaper’s company Schaper Toys; it is currently produced by Hasbro.

What is the idiom of she has ants in her pants?

Ants in one’s pants: to be so excited, nervous or anxious about something that it’s hard to be still and calm.

How do the ants in ants in the pants game get into the pants?

Be the first to get all the ants inside the pants! One by one, flip all the ant pieces inside the dog’s pants. Whoever gets them all inside first wins!

What is the phrase ants in the pants called?

ants in the/(one’s) pants Said of one who is unable to sit still, due to anxiety, excess energy, or impatience. The phrase is typically used with the verb “have.” The kids really have ants in the pants today, so I’m going to take them to the playground.

Do you have ants in your pants?

The phrase to have ants in your pants is an idiomatic expression that means to be very excited, restless, anxious or worried about something.

What to do if ants are in your plants?

How to Control Ants in Your Garden

  1. Get rid of aphids and other sap-sucking pests.
  2. Distribute artificial sweetener near the ants.
  3. Sprinkle ground cinnamon or cayenne pepper around your plants.
  4. Place food-grade diatomaceous earth by trails and nests.
  5. Set a borax (or boric acid) and sugar poison trap.

What is ants in Your pants example?

Example Sentences The young students just can’t sit still; they must have ants in their pants. The children are always jumping out of their seats and running all around, They seems to have ants in their pants. She was very excited to be going to the party that night and had ants in her pants all day.

Why do I feel like I have ants in my pants?

It was during the 1980s that “ants in your pants” became known as Attention Deficit Disorder. Experts now know that having ADD doesn’t mean someone is lazy or restless or stupid. Nor is ADD neurotic behavior. It’s more like a quirk in the nervous system.

What to do when you get ants in the house?

Sweep up food crumbs, wipe up spills, take out the garbage and don’t leave dirty dishes sitting around the house. This takes away the ants’ food source. For a safe way to get rid of ants, spray vinegar mixed with water around bowls of pet food to keep ants from feasting there.

Is ants in your pants a metaphor?

ants in one’s pants Extremely restless, jumpy. This vivid metaphor no doubt has survived because of its rhyming character, just as alliteration enhanced its seventeenth-century forerunner, a breeze (gadfly) in one’s breech(es).

Are ants in potted plants bad?

Although ants are a nuisance, they do not actually cause any harm to potted plants. Ants are attracted to the sweet honeydew-esque excretions left by other pests that reside in the soil, such as aphids and mealybugs; fire ants like to make nests in potted plants and hide in the plants’ foliage.

What are the disadvantages of ants?

Pests, in the sense that they can be carrier of diseases, such as West Nile or malaria. Pests, in the sense that they can destroy crops, such as the potato bug. Pests, in the sense that they can cause trees to die, such as the Emerald Ash Borer or Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.

How many ants are in ants in the pants?

There are four different colored ants, so there are 4 colors in each set of ants. It’s an educational toy for children that are pre-school age and up and can be played by one to four people. The object of the game is to get the “ants” into the pants.

How do you get ants into your pants?

The object of the game is to get the “ants” into the pants. It requires manual dexterity and some skill to flick your color ants into the pants before others do. Using your index finger or thumb will make the ant jump into the air and land in the pants.

How old do you have to be to play ants in the pants?

It’s an educational toy for children that are pre-school age and up and can be played by one to four people. The object of the game is to get the “ants” into the pants. It requires manual dexterity and some skill to flick your color ants into the pants before others do.

Who is Florian from ants in the pants?

… After the eye-opening events in Ants in the Pants (2000), Florian is only one week away from graduation. Once more, the talkative part of his teenage anatomy gets him neck-deep into trouble, rendering Flo unable to control neither his ever-growing attraction to the opposite sex nor to stop embarrassing himself.