
Which DNS is best for India?

Which DNS is best for India?

Best DNS Servers in India

  • Akamai.
  • AWS/Amazon Route 53.
  • Google Cloud.
  • Cloudflare.
  • UltraDNS.
  • NS1.
  • Dynect/Oracle.
  • How to Find the Best DNS Provider. The reliability and infrastructure of the service should be investigated as well as all of the DNS management solutions they offer.

What is the IP address of OpenDNS?


OpenDNS Home (Mainstream)
DoH address
IPv4 addresses
IPv6 addresses 2620:119:35::35 2620:119:53::53
DNS Domain

Is DNS legal in India?

“If you use any public DNS, they access and use all your data. It is not that users will compulsorily need to shift to India public DNS. A user is free to choose any DNS,” the official said, adding that with the government’s public DNS, Indian users’ data would be stored within the country.

How many DNS servers are there in India?

These servers translate readable host names into IP addresses. NEW DELHI: India has made a bid to be a major player in global Internet governance — by making a pitch with the US to locate a ‘root server’ in India. There are only 13 such servers, of which 10 are in the US, two in Europe and one in Japan.

Is OpenDNS faster than Google DNS?

Testing the Domain Name Resolution Speed This means OpenDNS is faster on our system than google DNS. If we use OpenDNS, we will enjoy faster domain name resolution speeds.

What are illegal in India?

10 Things You Might Not Have Known Were Illegal In India

  • In Delhi, it’s illegal to not alert the authorities by beating the drum when locusts attack.
  • If you find money lying around that’s more than 10 rupees, you’re committing a crime by not reporting it.
  • It’s illegal to fly a kite without a permit.

Can you go to jail for looking at a website in India 2021?

Indian government has just issued a new warning to those who visit “forbidden” websites in India: the offenders may get a three-year jail sentence plus a fine of Rs 3 lakh ($4,465 USD). If the warning turns into action, almost every Internet user in India could become a criminal.

Which is public DNS is best for India?

Answer Wiki. OpenDNS : It is the most fastest , reliable dns which is widely used not only in India but also across the world , it is a fact that over millions of users trust OpenDNS . so i recommend it . Well if the OpenDNS is , the one , usually there is another alternative for it , that is DNSAdvantage.

Where do I Find my IP address for OpenDNS?

Make sure you use a secure password, because this service will be constantly tracking your home IP address. Once you’ve set up your account you will see the homepage of the OpenDNS backend, which looks a little old school. No matter: click the “Add network” option. You’ll be shown your external IP address—click “use this one” to get started.

How to use OpenDNS in Windows 10 sharing center?

Click the Properties button. Click the radio button “Use the following DNS server addresses:” and type in OpenDNS addresses, and, in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields. Click the OK button, then the Close button, and the Close button again. Close the Network and Sharing Center window.

What’s the difference between OpenDNS and DNS server?

OpenDNS is an alternative DNS server. DNS servers translate URLs—for example,—into IP addresses. Your computer can’t connect to a website without knowing the IP address.