Where is Wiesbaden High School in Germany located?
Where is Wiesbaden High School in Germany located?
School Address Wiesbaden High School Unit 24313 Box 88 APO, AE 09005-4313 Germany Phone: 0611-143-545-2046 Fax: 0611-705-2256 DSN Phone: 314-545-2046 DSN Fax: 314-337-2256 From US: 011-49-611-143-545-2046 From the US Fax: 011-49-611-705-2256
What kind of Sports does Wiesbaden High School play?
Sports activities include; Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling and Air Rifle Team. Other activities/programs include: Army JROTC, Drama, Technology Club, and Art Club.
Who is an alumni of Wiesbaden middle school?
Wiesbaden Middle School (formerly H. H. Arnold Junior High School) Numerous distinguished alumni have been enrolled at the school, including: Jennifer Gonzalez (’89) American educator, author, creator of Cult of Pedagogy podcast and website.
When is Wiesbaden High School closed for lunch?
Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed for Lunch 11:00 a.m. – 12: p.m. It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent. Welcome to Wiesbaden High School, Home of the Warriors! Our school has a rich history and is proud to be the first 21st-century-designed high…
Wiesbaden High School is an American high school located in Wiesbaden, Germany and is a part of the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, the 9th largest United States School System. While located in Wiesbaden Germany, the school follows a traditional U.S. curriculum and traditional U.S. school activities.
Is the Hainerberg Youth Center in Wiesbaden open?
The Hainerberg Youth Center is in walking distance of the Wiesbaden Middle and High Schools Please Note: The Hainerberg Middle School/Teen Center will reopen on March 13 and will be open every second and fourth Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9341 or 9342 to reserve a slot (20 slots available).