
Where is timber creek puppies?

Where is timber creek puppies?

We are located in southeast Iowa. We are passionate about raising Happy, Healthy and Adorable Puppies. Our beautiful Shichon & Shihpoo (shihtzu mix) puppies and our Malshi & Maltipoo (maltese mix) puppies are guaranteed to have loving temperaments and cheerful personalities.

How much does a Malshipoo cost?

Maltipoo prices can range from $500 to more than $2,500 though a price tag between $800 – $1,000 is common. Factors such as a breeder’s reputation and location; a puppy’s age, size, and pedigree; and the current demand can all influence the price.

What is the teddy bear dog?

The Shichon is a mixed breed dog–a cross between the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise dog breeds. Shichons go by a few other names including the Shih Tzu-Bichon mix, Zuchon, and Teddy Bear dog.

Do Maltipoo dogs smell?

Why do Maltipoo stink? Common reasons and the easy solutions to a smelly Maltipoo. It is usual for dogs to smell, but sometimes it can get unbearable, and giving your pet hugs and kisses are no longer pleasant.

What kind of puppies do you get from Timbercreek?

OUR GOAL IS TO KEEP THE STANDARDS OF THE F1 HYBRIDS AT THE TOP AND PROVIDE THE HEALTHIEST BACKGROUNDS POSSIBLE. We specialize in Teddybear Shichons, Shih Poo, Malti Poo, Malshi, Shih tzu, Maltese & Poodle mix puppies. We only breed First Generation hybrids puppies and feel it has the best medical benefits.

What kind of dog is a teddybear from Timbercreek?

Our First generation (F1) is cross between a AKC purebred Shih Tzu and AKC purebred Bichon Frise. The Shichon “TeddyBear” puppy has combined the Shihtzu personality and loyalty with the free spirit of the Bichon Frise.

How big are the shihpoo puppies at Timbercreek?

Our puppies will nestle a place in your heart and home. They are country raised in the peaceful Midwest and socialized daily by my husband and I along with our children and often by our grandchildren too. We are the proud owners of both parents and have raised our adult dogs from puppies too. Our puppies range from 6 to 14 pounds as adults.

Are there any mini goldendoodles in Utah by timber?

Our children are now grown and are breeding doodles themselves, which allows us to offer a lot of litters under one site. We specialize in Red Mini Goldendoodles and Teacup Goldendoodles – healthy, happy beautiful puppies raised by our family.