Where can I buy African cichlids?
Where can I buy African cichlids?
African Cichlids The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa.
How much are African cichlids worth?
Common species of African cichlids can range from $5-$15 with more rare species costing $100 dollars or more.
What kind of fish can I put with African cichlids?
Here is a list of ten best tank mates you can place to live side by side with your African Cichlids.
- Clown Loaches. The Clown Loaches are semi-aggressive fish that can make a perfect match for your African Cichlids.
- Plecos.
- Leopard Bushfish.
- Red Tail Shark.
- Giant Danios.
- African Red-Eyed Tetra.
- Rainbowfish.
- Synodontis Catfish.
What kind of fish can African chiclids get along with?
10 Best African Cichlids Tank Mates Clown Loaches. The Clown Loaches are semi-aggressive fish that can make a perfect match for your African Cichlids. Plecos. Plecos are a perfect tank mate to your African Cichlids. Leopard Bushfish. Red Tail Shark. Giant Danios. African Red-Eyed Tetra. Rainbowfish. Synodontis Catfish. Flying Fox Fish. Siamese Algae Eater.
What are good tankmates with African cichlids?
The spotted Raphael catfish, hifin catfish, upside down catfish, ocellifer catfish and spotted catfish are all suitable as tankmates for African cichlids.
Where to buy African cichlids online?
Buy Live Freshwater African Cichlids For Sale. Call or text us at 702-505-2095. Buy African Cichlid fish for sale from Lake Malawi, Tangyanika, and Victoria online. All of our freshwater cichlids for sale are quarantined and fed the finest foods such as New Life Spectrum, Hikari frozen foods like Mysis and Bloodworms , and fresh Spirulina flakes.
Are African cichlids good with angel fish?
Keeping African Cichlids in the same aquarium as Angel Fish is generally not a good idea . There a few factors that lead us to this assessment, but a huge role is the aggressiveness of African Cichlids. Can African Cichlids live with Angel Fish? Angel Fish are Cichlids too, however they are a great example of a much more docile cichlid species.